••• NEW BYC CHAT! Please check it out!

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If you are logged into the forum and try to get to chat but receive the chat login PLEASE do NOT reset your password.

A few updates:

Good news: I was able to login as another user and duplicate the issue, so it is NOT browser, cookie, etc. related. It has to do with the integration between our forum DB and users and that of the chat system.

Good news: The chat designer said that spaces, hyphens, etc. are all supported in the usernames for chat.

Good news: The chat support guys are really smart and are looking into the fix.

Bad news: chat is still unavailable to some while we work out the bugs.

Please be patient as we work this out. Thanks!
wow, it let me in just now!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was so cool. Didn't have time to stay as dinner needs to be made but I have been trying for a couple days and it wouldn't let me in the chat room. Good job, as usual Rob!!! I was just about to ask for a moderator to put a dash between Ozark and Hen such as Ozark-Hen to see if I could get in that way but it automatically allowed me in. Woo Hoo.
I am having some compatibility issues with this chat. I have tried to figure out via my own end what I can do and I have tried everything. I freeze out after a bit on this chat. No matter what I do... I have to restart my computer in order to come back into chat. It's using tons of my resources to use.

My current system is...

G4 macintosh 450mzh with 256k ram and 20 gig hard drive running mac os 9.x Using Netscape 7.02 and IE 5.1.7 (they are the best I can do). And yes I have dumped the cache files often, to little effect.

Now before you ask me to upgrade I will tell you once...

I can't. I have upgraded this computer as far as I can. In order for me to upgrade I need another computer entirely. That, I can't afford. The only other computer I have only has ethernet and I can't use that here. So! I am stuck unless you can figure out how this is going to be changed.

Before I finish I will tell you I did have some issues with the last program but not THIS bad.

Another thing. I really dislike people to suggest to others before they know their circumstances to tell them they need a new computer. Come on people we know that. But unless a person is seriously blind the economy is not supporting haveing the biggest and the baddest at this point in time. So I would make a suggestion to you all... Don't request people get a new computer we know we need one and can't do a thing about it and it makes us feel bad. We are seriously getting every megahertz out of our processors because we HAVE to. NOT because we WANT to. OK?

I have had my mac 8 years and it will probably run another 8 and I am working my rear off to upgrade, but with money tight on most of the fronts on this board I suggest you figure out how to make this work for those that can be helped.

Asking us to buy a new computer at this point in time is out of the question when house, car, and bills are so high right now and wages seemingly frozen. If you can help me or others like me fine. If not say sorry I can't help you at least I will have no reason to hope I can chat in a reasonable manner. At least that way I can look for alternate chat rooms.

The situation is so serious that I can't post many links on the chat board that are not perverted in some manner making them unusable. So I can't even go in and tell someone hey here is an alternate chat room. Just join to chat and thats that. It doesn't have to be expensive to have a chat that can be used.

Ezboard has a great chat for many platforms and I have a temporary place. But that doesn't mean everyone will go there. I personally may have no other option the way things are but to hang out there and HOPE someone may want to come there and talk. Before you ask no it isn't the OTHER byc.

Trust me I won't be holding my breath.


I have a G3 Imac running OS 10.2 and Firefox and Opera. It works great.
Your G4 has better specs than my Imac, except ram, we upped it to 512.

Our G3 Imac is in the living room as an internet only computer and cool piece
of furniture. Drum uses the new chat all the time on it when he isn't stealing
one of my laptops.

Yes that maybe so but I can't purchase new soft ware meaning... many of my current working programs will be lost to the tune of several hundred dollars and THAT I can't afford either.

Not to mention I would have to BUY the new os...


Really sorry you are having problems with the chat. From what I've heard it is the most cross browser friendly chat many people have used.

This chat should support the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6+ Firefox 1.5+ Safari 2+ Opera 9+ Netscape 8+

On the following operating systems: Windows & Mac

Unfortunately you're issue sounds to be isolated to just your computer. I'm not saying it is an upgrade issue (I applaud your frugality... I've had the same PC for 6 years), but it seems that other people with similar configurations are able to get into chat fine.

We'll keep an eye on it, but without more people providing us with the same problem with the same configuration it is almost impossible to troubleshoot.

Have you tried other browsers? Most are free and I'd think that at least one would work fine.
Hi, I have tried three or four times to get into chat and it's always at least five minutes and still nothing. Usually by then I give up. It starts to load and gets to about five bars and stops.....
Thinking it's probably cause I'm up in here Canada in the frozen north!!!!!!!!!!!
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