•• BYC Personal Pages Contest - Chicken Breed Page Contest

I would love to make a page on my Black Dutch Bantams- since I dont see anyone here with them.
But I dont know how to create a page and post a link

chickengirlnm, here is how to make your own Personal Page.
(PS: If I can do it, so can you!)

"BackYardChickens.com Personal Pages Project"

This will give you the ability to use a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor to create personal pages to share with the world. If you can use Microsoft Word... you should be able to use this!

No need to have a new username or password to login... if you are logged into the forum, you are logged into your personal page editor.

Here is how you start a BYC Personal Page:

Make sure you are logged into the forum.
Visit any forum page
Click in the main menu (dark blue, white text) at the top of the screen on "My Page"
You should be taken to a blank page where you can click "edit"
Your page editor will load up where you can begin typing and adding pictures.

Here is a Flash demo of how it works:

If you have questions, problems, or feedback, please post them here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=11399

, here is how to add an image to your Personal Pages (NOTE: The process is different from adding pictures to the forum):

How to add pictures to the "Personal Pages":

1) Upload your images to a service like PhotoBucket
2) Copy the image URL for the image (something like https://www.backyardchickens.com/images/BYC-chicken.gif )
3) Within the BYC editor click on the "Insert Image" icon
4) Paste the image URL in the field called "Image URL"
5) Add a description and Title then click "Insert"

That should do it.

Thanks for visiting!
oh well I tried to make a pge but I am having trouble posting pictures, but I can type a page just fine - but it would be no fun without pictures-
oh well I hope everyone has fun making your pages I love looking at all the pictures and learning about all the different breeds

Carole, I am just getting started with Chanteclers too. I have some Partridge and Buff. I've been looking for White, but they are pretty hard to find... I'm a bit limited on breeding pen space so I probably shouldn't add another color anyway!

Blisschick, your Jersey Giant roos are gorgeous and huge! I raised Blue/Black/Splash Jersey Giants for a while (they were from Maria Hall... she has great birds!), but decided to switch over to Chanteclers last year. I still have 3 of my favorite blue hens, and they're so pretty, BIG and excellent broodies for my turkey and Dominique eggs... I can fit a ton of eggs under those big butts!

My all time favorite chicken is my black hatchery JG roo, Godzilla. He's getting up there in years (one of the original flock... going on 6 yrs) and lost his comb and some toes to frostbite a few years back, and he's pretty small for a "Giant" (he's from Cackle... NOT a good place to get JGs unless you just want good pets). But I love the old guy and he's a total sweetheart, even if he is a bit rough looking.

Well, I'm off to see about putting a Dominique page together...

That's funny... really? Well, maybe it is an American thing, since in Canada (home of the Chantecler) white seems most common. White is the original Chantecler, the line developed by a Quebecois Trappist monk who apparently had some time on his hands and decided there should be a Canadian breed of chicken
The partridge color was independently concocted a couple decades later in Alberta from similar breeds to what went into making up the white Chantecler. I have no idea when the buffs originated but I think it's relatively recent.

Nice pics on your breed page though, Carole!


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