~«Survival By War»~ (Warrior cat rp) [Chat Thread]

It's gonna be a mess because Willowstar and Sunstar are friends but right now they're hella tired and they have to take care of their own clans

I have to reply to Cluck and Sarah's posts... that's only two... but I also now need to use Frozenblood, I need to throw Star into the Traveling kiddos some how anddd Leopardmoon has to deal with burying kids soooo hhhhhhhhh
wait so in the off chance that this actually stays alive (lol I'm so sorry @Frost bite88 its Sarah's fault I promise)
is it crow and nettle
crow and hazel
ngl im vouching for dusty and nettle a little bit soooooo
rabbit and ginger are a canon ship now you cant change my mind
sorry to poke a sleeping bear I was just thinking about this
Welp it's probably gonna be just me for a while and I have completely forgotten what's happened in half of the rp so here's my halfhearted comments on it
"Star!!"Nightflower yowled.She looked across the WaterFallClan border and saw two cats."STAR!"she screeched.

Cloudfur picked up Ravenkit and quickly tossed her over to Goldentail,"Fernshade has white cough!"she yowled,"And there isn't any Catmint or Catnip!"
okay doesn't make sense but we cool
Nightflower licked her sister.She sighed,"I can't bring you to camp"she meowed,"But, if you want you can..."she looked around and saw a large tree with a hole up high.She climped the tree, no Owl or Squrriel.Dropping down she said,"You can stay here.Ill bring you wet moss, some food and tyme later"she meowed,"If you want"
Fire looked around camp, ferious,"If she ever comes back she will be outcasted!"she yowled in anger.
why are we yelling
Nightflower watched her go, sadly.She turned away, and her ears pricked when she heard a shriek,"Oh no!"she yelped, running towards the Blaçk Trees.She gasped in horror.Canopykit on the ground, a pile of Catmint in front of her, and the black tree behind her slowly crumbling away and almost fell,"CANOPYKIT!"Nightflower yowled, she raced quickly forard, grabbed the Shekit by the scruff, sliding on the slick black ash ground, she tossed the kit, and she quickly got up, the tree started falling, she tried to race forward it it was to late, the tree caught her by the foot and she slipped, and the tree crashed down, in a dusty, eyes burning crash.StarClan, I pray to you, if I die, please let the kit be safeshe prayed, right before the tree fell.
i dont remember this happening
Nightflower raced faster till they burst into camp.She stops, her chest heaving and hurting, and she coughed from Ashes.
A yowl broke out as Cloudfur raced to Sunstar, not even relized what happened to them,"Fernshade!"Sheyowed,,"Shes....Dead!"
so like
here me out
what if cloudfur actually killed fernshade
Cloudfur looked at the Catmint, then Canopykit, and back again,"You.....Oh.....Canopykit"she breathed quietly.
Nightflower breathed Heavly.She looked at Canopykit, and then Cloudfur, and then to Sunstar.Anger flashed in her eyes, at herself, and Cloudfur,"You let her die?!"she screeched.
why are we yelling
(CloudClan)Nightflowef groomed Fernsahdes fur.
(Tribe)Firetsalked toward her,"OUT!"she yowled,"LEAVE!"she snarled,"I told you if you leave, I'm leaving you abandoned and outcasted!YOU LEFT you are gone, Star, done!"she snarled.Altough, she regretted ever single word.
why are yelling again
why the theatrics
also my grammar is so horrible im so sorry
(Cloud)Ravenkit stood in front of him, claws unsheathed,"What are you doing?!?"she screeched.
(Tribe)Fire gasped,"You, ou saw Nightflower!"she yowled.Racing toward Seer, Fire said,"Seer!Star is betraying us, she went and saw Nightflower!"she yowled.
dramatic much
fire should pursue a career in theater
(WaterfallClan)~ Hawkclaw gulped. "Okay, so when I took that walk you suggested I heard a scream for help and it's a drowning she-cat and then I save her and then I talk to her and I don't even know if it was a set-up and then I let her go because she just looked so young- an apprentice, really- and scared and tired and sad and remorseful- do-you-think-I-made-many-mistakes?!" he exploded anxiously all in one breath.~
hawkclaw you make me anxious and you really remind me of myself and I dont like it
(WaterfallClan)~ Hawkclaw finally ceased trembling at Ashstripe's reassuring words. A familiar sensation washed over him sudenly, leaving his pelt hot and itchy. Oh no, Hawkclaw! That's the last thing you need right now- NO MOONYNESS!!! Ashstripe is a friend, a friend...
"You're right," he mewed evenly, his tail twitching with satisfaction, "-as you always are." He allowed a light tease to creep into his serious monotone and he was filled with pleasure as Ashstripe giggled- a light, melodious sound of soft joy.~
lol im pretty sure you dont have kids with your friends but i might be mistaken
(WaterfallClan)~ Hawkclaw nearly flinched under her piercing stare and Ashstripe seemed to conveniently slip into the shadows by her den. "Um, yes, Willowstar." He dipped his head in apology. "Actually, there's something very important I should tell you. I was patroling near our border and came across a wandering young she-cat. She seemed clueless of our boundaries and obviously quite disoriented-" Well, that's ONE way to put it, Hawkclaw, but why bother to trouble her with the part about the drowning?! "- I chased her off, but the oddest thing was, her scent was so masked by our teritory- I couldn't figure out what Clan she was from and if I asked her, who knows if I would've gotten a straight answer!" He tipped his head, curious to take in Willowstar's evaluation of the run-in.~
y o u m a k e m e a n x i o u s
(WaterfallClan)~ Hawkclaw, sensing Willowstar's embarrassment, stared at his paws uncomfortably. "Sorry," he murmured apologeticly as she awkwardly slides the leaf-covering to veil her scars in darkness once more. "Perfection is an obscenity. Imperfection makes us real. We all have our scars, Willowstar," he murmured kindly and leaned forward so that his ugly, massive scar down his shoulder bulged out like a white river on his dark fur. "Inside and out."~
okay but i need to know why his scar was so important P L E A S E
(WaterfallClan)~ You stupid, stupid mousebrain! Ashstripe raved at herself as she slid up to her chest in murky bog. She vainly fought the irrisistable urge to kick and thrash about. Again she cried out as she sunk, the scum almost covering her white chest completely.~
i think i blacked out for this part i dont remember it at all
Ravenkit had just looked behind her, and hen looked again,"Mom?"she mewed.A gray brown figure was leading her mother to StarClan.
Fire sighed.She laid down and curled up, her tail shaking before she rapped her nose with her tail.
Nightflower stared at the unmoving body of her Clanmate, she couldn't bear it.She went over to Fernshade, buried her nose into the black, cold pelt and whispered,"Im sorry, Fernshade.Im so, so sorry"She licked her head one more time and padded away from camp, feeling guilty.
m o m ?

lol im thirty pages in
this is gonna be g r e a t
~Ashstripe bit her lip and purposefully changed the sensitive subject. "Okay, hold still, but if it hurts, tell me." She got up on wobbly legs and ever so gently rubbed a small amount of daisy paste on Willowstar's jaw. Ashstripe noted that her lower jaw was noticably enlarged- probably a result of entirely using her jaws as leverage to pull Ashstripe free of the bog. She then massages the last of the paste into Willowstar's knee caps and upper leg joints. She pulled back, a satisfied grin tugging at her lips that she was able to, yet again, asist an ailing cat. "There." Ashstripe also gave her four or so juniper beries. "As you know, these soothe pain and add strength."~
A s h s t r I p e b I t h e r l I p
Nightflower zapped out of her mind and looked at Canopykit and started licking her."Cloudfur!"she yowled.
Cloudfur came racing across the clearing with a bundle of herbs.Poppy Seeds, Lavender and Tyme.She opened the tiny kits mouth a forced her to eat the Tyme,"Helps shock"she enstruckted.She then opened the kits mouth again and put Lavender Petels in her mouth.She Couldn't give her Poppy Seeds cause she was asleep.
Fire sighed,"Well I'm sorry if I'm to busy trying to help my tribe!"Fire snapped before getting up,"It's seems like you don't want my company so fine!"
shut up fire
Cloudfur was chewing up Dock.She gently put it on her scraches and then looked at her paw.She ran off to the den only to returned with small sticks and Bindweed.She then started to bind the stick around her paw.
Nightflower then relized her own injuries, her paw.She turned her head to look at It.It was raw, the fur was gone were the tree had fell and it was burning, and redish.She quickly hid it from Cloudfur and Sunstar.
Fire turned away, her feelings hurt and she ran right past Seer, crying softly.
Ravenkit was screaming and crying as she followed the elder, Fawnfur back into camp.
Fire groaned,"I give up!"she groaned and ran away towards Seer,"That.Was.A.Bust"she growled.
Sunstar looks shocked and deeply troubled by this "I see" he takes a deep breath to keep calm before he flicks his tail to the glaring clan cats that had gathered around, a lot were saying nasty things to and about Star "As she can see we aren't very pleased by her or her tribe" he hisses slightly


Star was trying to ignore all the attention but she found it nearly impossible to, this was actually still going better then she thought it would.
I dont remember this
Goldentail saw Star.She yowled and started running toward her snarling.
"NO!"Nightflower screeched, rushing front of her sister, before being knocked over by massive weight, hitting her head, and she blacked out.
"Nightflower!"Goldentail screeched.
i think i blacked out for this as well

(PineClan)Rainstar jumped up onto her place and watched the cats below.
(CloudClan)"Crowkit!"Nightflower exclaimed rushing over to the black Tom.
(WaterFallClan)"To correct you, Crowpaw"Crowpaw joked nudging the black Shecat.
(WaterfallClan)Nettlepaw looked at the mass of cats and she saw Leopardmoon and she padded over to the deputy, she wanted to know everyone,
Rabbitpaw gave a little bounce as she hopped over to Lilypaw."This is so existing!"she chirped to the gray Shecat.
Lilypaw nodded.
when the hell did crowpaw and nightflower ever get along
Nettlepaw quickly stopped bouncing and walked coffe toy beside her.
coffe toy
Ravenkit fell asleep calmly, shifting quietly,
Nightflower stared at the kits.A string since of protection washed over her.Yiu don't care if they aren't yours, you want to protect them with you life.....
s t r I n g
(WaterfallClan)~ Ashstripe glanced at her eager apprentice and a surge of fierce protection washed over her. Cherish these times, Ashstripe. She may be the closest thing you'll ever get to having a kit of your own. Nettlepaw raced ahead into camp as the massive cave came into view. And I'll do anything to protect you in these turmultous times to come, precious one.~
i love them I'm gonna cry
Nettlepaw raced ahead,"Come on, Ashfur!The Borage isn't going to put itself away!"she said eagerly.
Nettlepaw burst out,"Horsetail is best used to treat infected wounds and we chew it up into a poultice.Its a tall plant with bristly stems and mostly found in marshy Areas"she meowed.
oh so shes smart
Ravenkit shrugged,"Fine I guess"she muttered quietly.

"Used for cats with bellyaches, Normaly chewed and eaten .Leafy green plant that grows in rivers and damp places"Nettlepaw meowed.
oh so shes smart smart
Canopykit smiles "Indeed you have defeated the powerful evil moss now nothing can stand in your way!" She declared cheerfully
Ravenkit nuzzled her new friend.She was purring aswell,"How's your foot?"she asked, looked at the awkward angel of her foot.
i love them sm
Nettlepaw smiled."Parsley is used to stop the flow of milk from a Queen and dry it up for use later"she meowed.Ive got this!
oh so shes smart SMART
~Ashstripe opened her mouth to give another unfailing correct, but then she bounded to the front of her cave as a cry for assistance reached her ears. Crowpaw was glancing at Lilypaw, stretched out prostrate on the den floor, whose pelt smelled ridden with fever even from two fox-lengths away. "Nettlepaw!" she hissed quietly as she ran her tail along Lilypaw, assessing her health. "Bring me some beverages and juniper berries now!"~
Nettlepaw quickly tried, but she slipped on a leaf, falling, hissing as she twisted her ankle before hearing a shallow gasp and then silince.
Lilypaw drew in a breath, her yes flicked open. Staring at Ashstripe, saying its all right and she let go, taking one last breath before dying.
Crowpaw had raced to help Nettlepaw, but then saw Lilypaw still,"LILYPAW!"he screeched.
[quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/470#post_18105179"]

~Ashstripe stared at Lilypaw's still form in silent disbelief, her ears muting out Crowpaw's keens. No! NO!!!!!!!! I just LOST A CAT!!!!!!! She placed a paw on Crowpaw's shoulder and dipped her head in raging grief. Red hot rage at StarClan flashed behind her eyes. You DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE HER!!!!! Her world swayed and Ashstripe nearly blacked out.~
Fernshades voice whispered softly into her ear,"It was her time and Destany...Crowpaw has another Shecat to take, and Lilypaws time was at a end, you knew it the day she was born"
Nettlepaw wanted to yowl in anger StarClan you are the worst I swear by all things sacred she thought Expect for you.She stared at her twisted by and heaved her self up, clenching her jaw in pain, but it eased as the pain numbed away.
Crowpaw fell to the floor, his dark blue eyes filled with grief, and pain.He laid his head on Lilypaws body, crying slightly.
(He's crying, I'm almost crying!so emotionle!)
e m o t I o n l e
You're talking!!! Wait until I have Hawkclaw die (SPOILER ALERT!!)
i shouldn't have brought this up
(She really isn't a OC but she had such a painful death......)
[quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/480#post_18105220"][quote name="Cluckcluck1215" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/480#post_18105194"][quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/470#post_18105179"]

~Ashstripe stared at Lilypaw's still form in silent disbelief, her ears muting out Crowpaw's keens. No! NO!!!!!!!! I just LOST A CAT!!!!!!! She placed a paw on Crowpaw's shoulder and dipped her head in raging grief. Red hot rage at StarClan flashed behind her eyes. You DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE HER!!!!! Her world swayed and Ashstripe nearly blacked out.~
Fernshades voice whispered softly into her ear,"It was her time and Destany...Crowpaw has another Shecat to take, and Lilypaws time was at a end, you knew it the day she was born"
Nettlepaw wanted to yowl in anger StarClan you are the worst I swear by all things sacred she thought Expect for you.She stared at her twisted by and heaved her self up, clenching her jaw in pain, but it eased as the pain numbed away.
Crowpaw fell to the floor, his dark blue eyes filled with grief, and pain.He laid his head on Lilypaws body, crying slightly.
(He's crying, I'm almost crying!so emotionle!)[/quote]
~Ashstripe wrapped her paws around Crowpaw in a vague gesture of comfort and a flood of tears escaped her own tiding eyes. As a starry voice whispered in her ear, visions of her mother and father evaded the guards in the darkest depths of her mind and escaped to the present. Even more raging tears streamed down her face for every cat she'd ever lost.~[/quote]
Crowpaw dug his head under Lilypaw, he didnt want to be seen crying, but he was to chocked with Grief to talk.
Nettlepaw snarled at herself, remembering her mother dying, StarClan litteraly calling her, begging her to go and come to them.
akdhakhdkqhd I forgot I loved crow and ash
Star was walking into camp with three frogs hanging proudly from her jaws, it was her first hunting trip since her paw healed (Oh real quick before I forget, Fire will be receiving the prophecy with Seer at the same time)


Leopardmoon was upset about the events that took place at the Gathering and was angrily stalking towards Cloudclan territory (Maybe she can be intersected by Nightflower?)


Canopykit was finally waking up with a powerful yawn.
p o w e r f u l Y A W N
Fire flicked her tail and turned away to leave.
"Yeah?Well here is a Tribe Worm WHO FIGHTS!"Nightflower, snarling, outraged as she jumped onto Leopardmoon, tearing at her ears.
Ravenkit padded out of the den, leaving the rest of the vole behind her.
ahem, chile, anyway...
"Um,"Fire looked uncertain, then she saw a plump mouse,"Is it alright, if I have a mouse?Hehe?"she asked, cheekily.
Nightflower rearing up, slammed Leopardmoons head down into the dirt.
(BTW I wanted to let you know, hehehehe, I'm making a Bobcat/Wolf P)
H E H E ?
I just imagine night rearing like a horse
Rainstar narrowed her eyes angerly,"Yous holding go and getting into fights with those useless birds!"she hissed angerly.
im scared
Crowpaw buried his head in Lilypaws slowly cooling fur as he sobbed silintly.
Blast you StarClan, you injure me and kill Lilypaw.Whatnext, your going to kill me?Or Crowpaw?Or Wllowstar. Huh?Or are ou going to make a fire rack into our camp?Or kill the kits?Or our queens or elders?What are you going to do next?Huh? Nettlepaw thought bitterly, She stared at Lilypaw,"Im so sorry."she whispered softly.
this didn't age well lol
~Ashstripe gave him a slow but gentle nudge with her flank. "Crowpaw, how would've you had known it was poisoned?" she queried softly. "We take that chance when we hunt our prey. Any cat could've poisoned another- just whoever was unlucky enough to catch a poisoned prey and then the other poor cat who eats it. What if Willowstar had caught a poisoned mouse and gave it to Lilypaw? Would you blame her?"~
[quote name="Cluckcluck1215" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/540#post_18116777"][quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/550#post_18116763"]

~Ashstripe gave him a stern but gentle nudge with her flank. "Crowpaw, how would've you had known it was poisoned? We take that chance when we hunt our prey. Any cat could've poisoned another- just whoever was unlucky enough to catch a poisoned prey and then the other poor cat who eats it. What if Willowstar had caught a poisoned mouse and gave it to Lilypaw? Would you blame her?"~
Crowpaws soaked tail laid on the ground, slowly lashing as he thought,"No"he said quietly,"But it was ME Who gave it to her!I feel.....I....Feel.....I Feel,"he kept repeating."Like a monster.Ashstripe, I do,"He wailed quietly, tears in his eyes.[/quote]
~Ashstripe lay her head atop of his and a lone tear escaped her left eye. "How are you a monster if you would do anything to get her back?" she murmured, trying desperately not to sob. "You love Lilypaw with such an intensity, Crowpaw, and it will NEVER be your fault." If he doesn't get rid of his guilt soon, he may be living with it for his whole life!~
Hi everyone I'm back dont hate me
~Hazelpaw skulked along not far behind her leader and let every sense fall into the mode of perfected concentration. Her ginger pelt actually began to blend in perfectly with the sunset-aligned bracken and she felt with satisfaction her sturdy muscles falling into the automatic stalk of a hunting warrior.~
hazelpaw s k u l k e d
(LOL it seems like every single cat is sobbing!)
~Ashstripe stalked out of her den, emotion swelling up in her chest once more, and looked up at Nettlepaw perched in the tree. "Nettlepaw," she called gently. "We're SplashClan- we swim, not climb trees."~
Nettlepaw doesn't conform to S p l a s h c l a n s rules, ASHSTRIPE
[quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/660#post_18125026"][quote name="Cluckcluck1215" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/660#post_18125012"]

[quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/660#post_18125003"]

[quote name="Cluckcluck1215" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/650#post_18124981"]

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[quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/640#post_18124927"]

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[quote name="Cluckcluck1215" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/610#post_18124703"]

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[quote name="Cluckcluck1215" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/570#post_18122221"]

Nettlepaw shrugged,"She died cause I didn't get the Yarrow,"she meowed quietly.


Crowpaw sulked.He put his muzzle to the dirt above Lilypaw,"I promise ill be back, I swear by all thing sacred,"He meowed softly.Expect for you, StarClan.Why Dnt we just call you DeathClan or EvilClan?Cause that's all you are He thought scornfully.He got up, and started walking, his head over his shoulder watching Lilypaws grave, wanting her to just have been uncontious and she was just really cold.He longed for the dirt to move and the pretty gray she cat would emerged covered in dirt, her Lilypad green eyes shining.He sighed, tears formed in his eyes as his tail dragged.No, your not leaving He turned around and raced for the grave, curling up on top of the chilly dirt as the sun was starting to set.
~Hawkclaw paced the edge or camp anciously, inhaling the incoming breeze. No scent nor sign of Crowpaw, he fretted and plodded off to go ask Ashstripe if he should be concerned about his apprentice's failure to return.~

~"Nettlepaw," Ashstripe hissed, looking her apprentice straight in the eyes. "It will never be your fault! Not this nor anything else!"~[/quote]
As the sun set and moon started to rise, Crowpaw was still curled around the grave.He wasn't leaving, EVERc


Nettlepaw stared at her.She got up and stared at her mentor,"It IS my falt, Ashstripe,"She hissed,"I slipped and fell and failed.I LET Lilypaw DIE, I FAILED,"she snarled."Maybe I'm not cut to be a Medicine Cat"She hissed before plodding of But if I'm not a Medicine Cat, nor a Warrior, then what am I?.[/quote]
oh shut up
~Ashstripe nearly screamed at herself. That was the worst thing I could've said! She longed to race after Nettlepaw and confront her. But that would be pointless. Nettlepaw was grieving in her own way and she needed to be left alone. And what about YOU?!?! What if YOU'RE not cut out to be a mentor?!?~
Hawkclaw ducked into the medicine cave and waited for Ashstripe to notice him. Her face was turned away from him, but her tail was lashing in fury and she seemed to be silently arguing with herself. "Helloooooo?' he finally mewed, coming up beside her.~[/quote]
~Ashstripe jumped and spun to face Hawkclaw, brutally torn from her thoughts. "S-sorry," she stuttered, licking her tail to hide her anxiety. "What's up?"~[/quote]
~Hawkclaw took one look at her puffy eyes and splotched face and fliched. His cru- YOUR FRIEND, MOUSEBRAIN!- had obviously been crying and he longed to comfort her. But his own worries were too overpowering... "Ashstripe, Crowpaw's been gone for almost a whole day. (Anybody know what time it is in WaterfallClan? XD) Should I go look for him?"~[/quote]
(I said the sun was setting so dusk LOL and morning in CloudLcna LOL)

Nettlepaw stared at him from the tree,"Sure,"she growled,"Maybe he's already dead cause I can't even heal Posining,"she muttered to herself.[/quote]
~Ashstripe glanced at him dumbly for a moment, his image blurring in front of her eyes. She shook her head to clear it and met his troubled gaze. "Hawkclaw," she murmured. "It's getting dark. if you're worried about him, you'd best go now. But be prepared for a backlash and protest!" she warned quietly.~[/quote]
~Hawkclaw dipped his head to her, spun on his heels, and lunged into an immediate thrumming sprint. The setting sun was already casting sneaking shadows across the ground; he had no time to waste. He abruptly stopped and sniffed the air. He went that way, Hawkclaw noted and changed his course to the left and cleared a stream in a single impressive leap.~[/quote]
Crowpaw jerked his head up as he saw his shadow and sniffed the air,"Hawkclaw?"His voice sounded horse, chocked with grief.He hid the turned dirt, since this place wasn't the Gaveyard, he knew he Proboly would get in trouble.[/quote]
~Hawkclaw used the shadows as a cover and came up directly beside his distressed apprentice. "Crowpaw," he murmured, letting his long tail rest on his black's apprentice's back. He immediately noticed the upturned dirt and said nothing.~[/quote]
Crowpaws eyes welled with tears again as he dug his head into Hawkclaws chest,"I don't know what to do, Hawkclaw,"He wailed softly.[/quote]
~Neither do I, Crowpaw. Neither do I. Hawkclaw remained silent and just let his apprentice sob into his thick chest fur. Hawkclaw heaved an anguished sigh of his own at the sight of tough Crowpaw in tears and a few of his own fell down his dark tabby pelt.~[/quote]
Crowpaw stood up, shaking some of the dirt of."Hawkclaw,"he said softly."I know I must be in trouble,"he meowed,"I Buried Lilypaw here, this was her Faveroite tree and spot, right next to the lake."[/quote]
~"I know, Crowpaw. She used to take such delight in racing up here every dawn to watch the sun rise." Hawkclaw brushed his tail along Crowpaw's sodden cheeks, trying simultaneously- vainly- to wipe away some of both their heartache. "There's no reason to tell, is there?" he murmured. "And even if Willowstar finds out- I know she'll understand."~
Crowpaw nodded, He looked to the side and then back at Hawkclaw,"I miss her so much,"
(So emotionle!LOL IM GONNA CRY)
Cloudfur fell asleep and said,"LOL JK XD OMG LOL JK XD OMG"(JK)
Cloudfur curled up and started to fall asleep.
Ravenkit drifted to sleep.
(Knowing Kyndra, she'll probably make this new cat fall in love with Crowpaw as well. :lau And I just realized that CloudClan only has 2 male cats- Sunstar and Wingkit!!)
that was you not me sarah
i didn't come up with hazel and crow I cannot be blamed
~Hazelpaw heaved a deep sigh and backed down the tree. She squished her tail dismissively once, and set off for CloudClan camp, not bothering to take the tree route.~
~Sootpaw was taking a leisurely hunting stroll, only half-scanning the forest for prey. He gave a quick tense of his legs and landed nimbly on the forest floor, glancing around furtively to be sure no one was watching before lunging into a sprint.~
~Hazelpaw leaped elitely to the left as a black blur sped by her and she gave a disdainful groan as she recognized the cat as he sheepishly turned around to face her. Sootpaw. Always running- never climbing. She rubbed flanks with him in a polite greeting. "Sootpaw, you know I really should report to Sunstar that I caught you running AGAIN." She gave a humored purr, trying yo herd her lingering grief away. "But I won't. Friends don't tattle."~
hazelpaw s q u i s h e d her tail d i s m I s s i v e l y
~Hawkclaw stared at Ashstripe from across camp, his affection for her suddenly unbearable. Ahhhhhhh!!!!! he screeched at himself and abruptly bolted down the stone path into the brightening valley.~
Willowstar sighs "Crowpaw calm down please" she says gently as she grabs his scruff carefully and starts carrying him back to camp
you're a kit now
"Why should I?"Crowpaw sneared,"Im fine,"His hissed.
Oh shut up
~Hazelpaw pulled away and held her sister's gaze intensely. "Do you think I'm weak?" she hissed suddenly, then sighed. "Mousepaw, do you think Shadepaw had the right to taunt me- because I'm just a lame she-cat?"~
Crowpaw shrugged,"Like I said, what's the point?"he growled.
[quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/1020#post_18157269"][quote name="Cluckcluck1215" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/990#post_18157250"][quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/1010#post_18157246"]

~Hazelpaw pulled away and held her sister's gaze intensely. "Do you think I'm weak?" she hissed suddenly, then sighed. "Mousepaw, do you think Shadepaw had the right to taunt me- because I'm just a lame she-cat?"~
Mousepaws eyes flared,"Hazelpaw you are not weak!"she hissed,"Your survived it all, Mom, Dad, It's Shadepaw who is weak,"[/quote]
~Hazelpaw's eyes narrowed with vengeful determination. "That's what I thought. Thanks, Mousepaw," she added, butting her head softly against her sister's gently. "And the way he treats poor Lightpaw is obscene! I know she may be shy sometimes, but COME ON!!!!! He's her brother, for STARCLAN'S sake!!"~[/quote]
Mousepaw butted her back,"Then we will drown him in his own blood, and do our best to protect Lightpaw,"She vowed.But Will we?He is stronger then the two of us!
[quote name="Cluckcluck1215" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/1020#post_18157310"][quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/1020#post_18157285"]

(Don't worry poor Nettlepaw. I'm not killing him off for a while yet... ;) )
~Ashstripe gently let him roll off their shoulders onto a ready bed of moss. "Now, Nettlepaw," she mewed, "you know what to get. I already applied cobwebs for the hashes on his face- so he needs marigold for wound infections and celedaine for his eyes right now."
(*Nettlepaw shreiks*YOU MEAN YOUR STILL GOING TO KILL HIM?!??! Nettlepaw get into the RP)

Nettlepaw quickly picked up her Celedaine, chewing it and apply it to his eyes quickly.She then chewed Marigold, and spat it out, the taste was horrible.But then again, any herbs was expect for Honey.She applied it to his wounds, staring up at Ashstripe, she was trembling.[/quote]
~Ashstripe nodded cooly. "Very good, Nettlepaw. I'll have to initiate you as a full medicine cat before long." Turning to Hawkclaw, she calmly queried, "How are your eyes now?"~

~Hawkclaw winced and snapped his pulsing eyes shut. "They sting now."~

~Ashstripe nodded. "That's good. That means no nerves have been severed if you can feel pain."~
it's been moons since you said that ash
you're so far behind
~"You're not pathetic!" Fogblaze mewed fiercely, gently nudging up her dropped muzzle so that he could hold her gaze. "You're amazing!"
Fogblaze could've fallen off of his branch and hit the ground without feeling any impact. Why in the name of StarClan did I say that? "And brave and kind and caring," he hurried on, wishing that his muzzle would close already before he made a complete and utter fool of himself to Lightpaw. He abruptly looked away, trying desperately to find some other object of interest beside Lightpaw's intense eyes.~
fogblaze is a feminist prove me wrong
i cant tell you exactly why it just makes sense
Crowpaw snarled at his leader,'Like I said, What's the point?"he snarled.
~"What is it?" she inquired, cheeky at her best friend's playfulness.~
~Hawkclaw swallowed the deepest breath of air he'd ever taken on his life. He looked up at her beautiful face, her perfect muzzle, her long whiskers and let out the words he'd never thought he'd ever have the courage to say in an eternity: "Ashstripe, I. Love. You."~
[quote name="HeavensHens88" url="/t/1152528/survival-by-war-warrior-cat-rp/1210#post_18170640"]

~Ashstripe blushed to the roots of her fur. "And why are you back so early from gathering watermint?" she inquired sternly, chasing away all traces of moonieness.~
"Saw it!Saw it!Saw it!Saw it!"Nettlepaw mewed, the normally calm, stern, and reserved SheCat with bounding around hr."Imsaw the look!The look!The look!"
the look the look the look
Description:white shekit/gray Tom/pale orange shekit
History:None/You saw
Siblings:Wingkit, Firekit/Snowkit, Firekit/Wingkit, Snowkit/none
(Survival by War had 89 today so far and is usually 50-130 a day. My canine RP goes around 75-200 posts a day- It's called a Howl at Midnight....)
i- how?
(NO I want med cat apprentice.I like apprentice better)
Crowpaw leaned against her, liking the comfort of a cat nearby.The young SheCat medicine cat had always made him feel calmer.
why was i so aggressive
(I'm totally forgetting what color Star is....)~ Deerkit abruptly gave a yowl of fury, not really plotting out an attack of precision, and landed foursquare in front of the trespassing she-cat, his hackles bristling. "State your business here," he snarled dangerously, tail huge and whipping.~
s c a r y kitten
Personality:Kind, sweet but stern/Snarky, sarcastic and a jerk at times/Playful, funny
Description:pure white SheCat/Dark ginger tabby Tom/Light gray tabby SheCat
Rank:Med Cat apprentice/Apprentice/Apprentice
Parents:Riverpool and Goursefur/Riverpool and Goursefur/Riverpool and Goursefur
Siblings:Flamepaw, Dovepaw/Dovepaw, Frostpaw/Flamepaw, Frostpaw

Personality:Firce but kind/Loyal and brave, follows Rainstars or Leopardmoons word at all costs/Carefree, and funny/Stern, quiet, protective and kind
Description:Dark gray SheCat/light tan Tom/Snowy white SheCat/Darkish gray SheCat
History:None really
Rank:Warrior(former queen)/Warrior/Expecting Queen/Queen
Kits:Flamepaw, Dovepaw, Frostpaw/Frostpaw, Dovepaw, Sparkpaw/To Come/Badgerkit, Spottedkit, and Cinderkit
Siblings:Snowpelt, Sparrowflight/None/Sparrowfligjt, Riverpool/Riverpool, Snowpelt

Name:Acorn That Falls of Tree(Acorn)Oak of Falling Acorn(Oak)/Screech Of Screaming Hawk(Screech)/Fox That Stalks Mouse(Fox)/Mouse That Hides from Fox(Mouse)
Age:27 moons/27 Moons/29Moons/3 moons/3 moons/
Personality:Funny, sweet and brave/Stands up for what's right, funny/Sarcastic, But brave kind/Silly and playful/Depends
Description:Light brown SheCat/Dark red SheCat/Brown Tom/Orange SheCat with a white chest and paws/Dusky brown SheCat/
Clan/Tribe:Tribe Of Burning Fire
Rank:Kit Mother/Hunter/Cave Guard/Kit/Kit/
Mate/Crush:Screech Of Screaming Hawk/All none
Kits:Fox That Stalks Mouse, Mouse That Hides From Fox,/None/Same as Acorn/None
Parents:unknown/Unknown/Unknown/Acorn and Screech/Acorn and Screech/Acorn and Screech
Siblings:Oak/Acorn/None/Mouse, Fire/Fox

Nettlepaw bounded by her, existed for the first time.For now she had forgotten Lilypaw.For now.She had a jerky smile on her face.


Sage stared at the odd acting tan and white SheCat,"I think you ate a little to much catnip, Nettlepaw."she meowed.


Nettlepaw started laughing hysterically for no reason,"Ah nah!"she meowed throwing herself to the ground and rolling around.


"Um yup,"Crowpaw meowed walking up behind her.
(Nettle paws high on Catnip :lau)


Rainstar growled,"Leopardmoon, use the extra den and keep her prinsor with guards.Ive had enough of the tribe mice."
oh no here we go
(Should I add Cluck's cats to the member page for her- it's fine by me...)
i was an irresponsible child i apologize
Sage tried not to look thoughtful Do I truly? she stared at her brother and the slurring Nettlepaw and Rabbitpaw bouncing up and down Yes.Yes I do she stared up at her leader, her soft amber eyes didn't blink,"Yes Willowstar I do,"she meowed.

(OK I'll add my cats to the page, and THEN I NEED to make a handful of cats for WaterFallClan.I only have 3 to be 4 apprentices!!!!!!!)
~Ashstripe suddenly receives an intense desire to go gorge on catnip.~
~Hawkclaw gives a low murmur of shock, and then gives a respect nod to Willowstar. "A wise choice," he commented respectfully. "Sagepaw will go far with you as her mentor."~
no she won't because she got c r u s h e d
Nettlepaw wobbled over,"Pweeeezzz!"her slurring made her voice hardly understandable as she chewed the catnip.


Crowpaw fluffed up his tail and laid under the Highrock.Why do cats make such a big fuss over everything?I don't get it.
lol look who's talking m'dude
Crowpaw shrugged as he pushed the fish away, but jumped at Hawkclaw and the fish flew up, and smacked his leader in the face.Crowpaw stood, mouth open, trying to say he was sorry, but he didn't know what she would do next.
ajdjakdhjabd what
Mousepaw smiled at her sister.


Frostpaw rolled her eyes,"Barkpaw I'm a medicine cat.But sure,"she meowed.

(Making these cats I have a full number of *gulp, frost don't kill me* 3.....31 cats......)
Personality:Shy, dark, misunderstood.Brokenpaw has always been judged by her past/. Sercretly follows Bramblefur, but she doesn't agree with her.She is forced by fear of being killed/Funny, soft Nd sweet.Deep passion for caring for kits, always ways reassuring the younger kits in the nursery/. Funny, sweet and kind on the outside, bitter, cold and evil deep down.
Description:Dark brown tabby with white paws, muzzle and ear tips with blue eyes, she fears cats will know that she is related to Bramblefur, because of there resemblance./. Black SheCat with misty tabby stripes and amber eyes/. Ginger SheCat with a white muzzle belly and paws/. calico SheCat
History:Born as a rouge, by a SheCat named Sky, same mother as Bramblefur but I different father, Thorn.Sky was a warrior but left the Clan, and Thorn is half rouge half Kittypet.Brokenpaw doesn't let anyone know her parents, only she knows she is related to Bramblefur.Her name was Moon as a kit, but she was forced to change it,and Bramblefur made her change to Broken, cause that's all she is.Or at least to Bramblefur/. Sister is Maplepaw and Gingerpaw./. none/ none
Clan/Tribe:all WaterfallClan
Parents:Sky and Thorn/Rest unknown
Siblings:Bramblefur(half sibling)/. Gingerpaw and Maplepaw/. Darkpaw and Maplepaw/. Gingerpaw and Darkpaw

Name:Silverkit/. Brightkit /. Wolfkit
Gender:all F expect for Wolfkit, M
Age:all 5 moons
Personality:jumpy funny/. Calm, quiet and thinks ahead, unlike her bone brained brother/. Sometimes a dummie, a bone head but brave and kind
Description:soft silver shekit /. White shekit with ginger patches/. Gray Maine coon Tom
History:none really
Kits:they are!
Siblings:Brightkit, Wolfkit/. Wolfkit, Silverkit/. Brightkit, Silverkit

Personality:Kind and soft/Misunderstood, stands up for Brokenpaw
Description:Dark amber SheCat/Pure black SheCat
History:Has three kits, her mate was killed/Amberpools little sister, always stands up for Brokenpaw, she feels like her mother
Kits:Wolfkit, Brightkit, Silverkit/ Brokenpaw(foster daughter)
Star snapped her glare to Palepaw "I have to help support a whole Tribe, prey is scarce everywhere except clan territory" she states annoyed, knowing the clan cats could care lest about the Tribe's state
hi im back
~Wolf's voice shook as he tried to mew a steady reply. "That never would've happened." His eyes gleaned with fierce protection. "I wouldn't have let it." Or would you have? What would've happened if you had even hesitated for a split heartbeat or weren't at her side? His heart lurched dangerously. "I can't loose you," he murmured and then looked shocked: he hadn't meant to say that aloud.~
~Wolf's heart flutters as she lays her weary head against him. He nearly jolted to his paws as his heart skipped again, but he feigned complete calm and was silent. What's happening to me? Why do I get that feeling every time I look at her? Wolf brooded silently as Wish's jumpy breathing faded off into blissful snores.~
lol my dude it's called a crush
(*smacks forhead*THE *Plan*!!!!! Remember?????Fire??????Secret??....)
the fact that i forgot what this meant and thought fire was talking about Seer Fire really says a lot about my memory
Cloudfur flared her nostrils,"I EXSACTLY ordered Canopykit NOT to tell you because you were stressed out enough.But, as always kits don't listen to ep anyone and here she is!"she growled.


Nightflower sat off to the side, not saying a word, but she whised she was saying what she was thinking.You ignorant fool, Your the reason Fernshade died, your cruel, evil, heartless and a heap of fox dung.You mine as well be outlasted while I'm at it.Youmshould walk in the Dark Forest, forever walking in the blood of the cats you failed to safe,There blood will stain your paws forever.And never again will you be called Cloudfur, but Deathheart.
okay okay nightflower do be dramatic here but like
makes sense if cloudfur killed fernshade
prove me wrong
(Uhh if everyone is ready lets do the Medicne cat meeting.So we can do the *plan* tomarrow.
i cant believe i still didn't understand at this pojnt
Nettlepawbolted after her mentor, weaving in and out of trees as she followed her.


Frostpaw whacked her mentors head,"Smoktail!"she snarled,"We have to leave for the Moondip!Sometimes I swear I'm your mentor and your my apprentice,"she meowed.


"Go safe, Sunstar,"Nightflower murmured,


Cloudfur called to Sunstar,"Im leaving,"she growled.
i forgot Frostpaw had some s p i c e
Frostpaw gave a irrible roll of her eyes at Smoketail,"Smoketail, this is Nettlepaw.I met her at the gathering last time,"she meowed, a jerky twitch to her voice.
how does one have a jerky twitch to their voice
"We'll since when have the birds had three Medicne cats!"Frostpaw joked.


Cloudfur gave a irritable lash of her tail,"Greetings, Ashstripe, Smoketail, Frostpaw and Nettlepaw."she meowed,"I have some important news I wanted to ask.Have you had any.....Strange dreams lately?"she meowed.


Frostpaw gave a quick flash to her mentor and then back to Cloudfur,"Indeed we have,"


Nettlepaw flattened her ears slightly when she looked at Ashstripe but she meowed."Yes, I have,"

:)barnie it's 1:30 I'll stay a LITTLE longer)
(Wish is that one mom friend nobody asked for but everyone loves lol)

Wish glares up at her "Sorry for what, I want to see if you understand what you did wrong" she says angrily
wish is me
:)barnie I shouldn't have stayed up till 2:00.....)
(I hope the gathering isn't to soon cause I want to do the *plan* in the cats night.But it has to be nit so everyone is asleep *chuckles*)
Nettlepawnuzzled Frostpaw,"See you next time?"she mrrowed.


"StarClan yes!"Frostpaw meowed.She turned to leave with Smoketail.


"Come on,"Cloudfur growled.


Nettlepaw turned to Ashstripe and padded up to he.
Nettlepaw laughed,"Now, why is it we like swimming, but hate rain?"she joked.


Crowpaw settled down and closed his eyes, Drip, plop, crackle, drip, plop, crackle boom, drip, plop, crackle, drip, plop, crackle boom By now it was roaring thunder and pouring rain, but no wind.
that's the most dramatic rain sound effects I've ever seen written
~Ashstripe halted at the edge of camp, rain pelting her fur. She spun on her paws and raced back to their den. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" she screamed at Nettlepaw, another lightning bolt illuminating her eyes to an eerie silver.~
yes she is
(But they are supposed to escape camp cause Sage paw(WARNIG SPOILER)is crushed and killed by a tre.....)

Nettlepaw nodded,"Yes!I need them!"she raced back and grabbed a buch of herbs.No cat but the group was around,"Ok let's go!!!"she yowled.She darted out of camp.
spoiler alert she doesn't because im a dumb child
Crowpaw felt hot warm fire snaking up around his back legs,"Is there, Any chance in the hole of StarClan hat ANY of my ancestors are alive?!"he screeched.He stared at Nettlepaw, tears streaming down his face,"Nettlepaw, I love you!"he screeched, falling to the ground, sobbing.


NOOOOOOOO Sagepaw isnt dead you dreamin!!! Nettlepaw tried to collect herself as she gasped for breath,"Crowpaw I love you to!"she yowled, she snarled at the hissing flames, and dragged Crowpaw away from the fire,"No way I'm going to let you die now,"she murmured.
Crowpaw blinked, and tears streamed out of his eyes.He shook his head,"I don't know what to do,"he whispered,"I have nothing left.Only one thing, and I am willing to break the code for her,"he meowed softly.
(OK REALLY GTG an snow I'm crying, LITTARLY.)
l i t t a r l y

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