How do i do that?
Thank you for understanding!
Click on the 'Post New Thread' button, you'll want to do it on 'Games, Jokes, & Fun!' forum. Copy and past the Role-Play rules at the top of your post. Come up with a story line and put it in your Original Post, and a form too. Then post it for people to join and the story to unfold!
Mmm, emotionally unstable cat.
Wolfram stared at her for what felt like ages. Her words haunted the back of mind, like a bad memory sour to the minds eyes. What if I want to? His blue eyes glittering with a close guarded emotion, his eyes searching hers."So you want to give up on life that easily, huh?"He asked, Finnally breaking the painful, aching silence that seemed to drag on for a millenia."Why would you want to die?

Dying doesn't make things any easier.
It won't ease the pain.
Maybe it will for you,
But not for the people around you.
The pain will just drag on and on, No matter what happens.
Another person dying, Especially a young, smart, brave and beautiful girl like you, will just make the pain become even worse.
Would you want that?"

He stared at her, his words slowly registering in his head.
He matched, almost word for word, almost the exact words his mother had spoken to him. His voice cracking when he spoke, revealing a emotion and memories so closely guarded, like a briar in a patch full of thorns. But the briar was a harsh one, one that held so many painful secrets, the thorns protecting the memories and secrets from ever being revealed to the world. But the thorns had somehow been ripped away, exposing the rose, it's delicate petal's being ripped as easily as a leaf.

That's deep.

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