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"You are such a multitasker." He said admiringly, Then looked off in the distance to the cold metal wall. He didnt know if he loved Fran or not. She had gotten him through so many rough times, like breaking into Macy's, hunting down the Mazda when it got stolen, or who could forget the time she slapped the guy behind the counter at Denny's when they served him cold pancakes. She was his best friend. Then he decided, that wasnt going to change. They would stay best friends. He would continue to live for Rebecca. There were hurdles he had to jump with that, though. Crooked River was in the way. And Noodles maybe. He wasnt exactly sure. Then he realized he was staring at the wall for a long time and looked back at Fran, but was side tracked because, there, Behold! Behind Fran floated Crooked River, in the spirit! He had died. A perfect match for Rebecca now, since alas she was dead too. But wait, were there bodies on the floor? Why had no one called the cleaning department yet? He sighed, very confused- finally concluding that Crooked River was too hawt, hawter than him. He could never live up to the hawtness that radiated from Crooked River's existence. The competition was too stronk. Like a snek's jaw. He would never win over Rebecca, no, not while that other dino was in the way. He finally after a very awkward amount of time looked into Fran's face, not her eyes though, her whole face he looked at, and said: "I will join you in the cave."

the wind
4 knots
Chicken wished that she didn't have to hold the latern. But Fran was too small.
Alberto was smacked. He held the lantern from then on
"Rebecca, no!" Alberto cried. "I love you!" he broke down onto his knees and sobbed. The love of his life had yeeted away to the dark night above. He didn't know what to do now. He didnt mean to attack her, by just being around another girl. He felt like a cold pancake from Denny's. How could he ever get her back now?
Fran put everybody on her back and kept swimming, all while eating frappes
"Fran, Frosty..." chickn said with a gasp of her own. "It's the tartar sauce! And the Pringles, I guess those are probably important too."
"You can't eat them!" chickn said. "Here they are," the tubes of pringles and bottles of tartar sauce glowed at the end of the tunnel. "They are going to be used for Crooked River so he can be mortal again."
“Ohhhhh.” Fran became serious. She held up her lantern so that she could see better. She took a step forward and tripped on a tiny stalagmite. The lantern broke her fall and shattered into a hundred pieces. The cave grew dark, save for the dim glow that the Pringles and tarter sauce gave off.
"Ah! Our light!" chicken screamed. "Now look what you've done, I can't see anything!"
“Well we can use the tarter sauce and pringles!” Snapped Fran. “You’re being a chicken. And Alberto has glow sticks. Look, here’s a glow in the dark frappe.”
"I can't even see the slight glow! Our night vision is terrible!" chickn ran, right into a jar of tatar sauce. "Ow."
Fran looked in every pocket but all she could find was her portable Starbucks, Lots of frappes, iPads, a couch, her french textbook, three pencils, a lump of gold, rolls of hundred dollar bills, batteries, a camera, photographs of last years poopcoming, rocks, notebooks, her mini-fridge, candy canes from who knows when, a dining table, and lots of other things. But no flashlight.
(Fran was back to original size) she shrunk an ipad for Chickn. Then she remembered about the flashlight feature. “Aha.” She turned it on and there was light.
Chickn couldn't roll her eyes so she rolled her head in a strange motion. "Ok, we gotta carry this stuff now," she reached for a Pringles container. "We'll have to come back later for the tartar sauce. Or, you know, put it in your pockets." She rolled the Pringles tube down the tunnel.
“Sure,” Fran said. “If I leave five iPads behind I’m sure they’ll be enough space.” She slid it deep into her pocket.
"Oh, maybe you can shrink some for me and Frosty?" chickn asked.
beautiful XDXD
Alberto ran out of the cave to see the moon drawing closer. He took his glowstick and sawed it in half, then sprinkled the toxic glow stick juice around Crooked River to make him mortal again. "Mabye this will bring peace once again." He said.
Fran obliged.
"Thank you," said chickn, running out of the tunnel with Pringles to save a random stranger.
Frosty was hungry so he decided to eat all the pringles.
Alberto poured some fruit punch into a green seasonal solo cup for Fran. He saw the box of cheese-its and it reminded him of Rebecca.
Fran yeeted the cheez-its into her mouth so that she could enjoy them but he didn’t have to look at them. Then she pulled a couch out of her pocket so they wouldn’t have to sit on the itchy grass. She handed him some warm waffles with I love frappes spelled out on the top.

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