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Hello fellow call peoples. I have some calls. Some are big ol pet quality things, and a couple are itty bitty lil fancy things. I am currently on my third reading of @Pyxis' duck color genetics article, and hope to eventually have a feeble grasp.
I have a white drake, a tiny mixed color hen that is the cutest thing in the world, and some others. I am not clear as to whether or not I have blue-fawn hens or pastel hens. I believe there is a blue bibbed hen, a poorly marked silver drake, and black bibbed(?) drake. Also, two grey drakes, and a grey hen. My grey hen is Yoshimi, and she is my house duck.
Anyhow, pics.
Princess Buttercup and Westley.

New additions.

Princess Buttercup, and Penelope, my American Buff goose.

Yoshimi, my little stinker house duck. She also spends a lot of time outside, but she likes to be inside during the evenings, and at night.

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