..✺..GAME OVER..✺.. The RP!

Crush:ew no
History:keeps to herself.
Personality:brave, quick witted, smart, needs to trust you before she tells you things about her
Other:do we start out as wolves in the video game? Or ugh sorry I am confused!
Code word:game on
Picture/Description:She is a tomboy/ country style girl that can ride a horse like a champ.

My real names Jenna and I do ride And own a lovely gelding :D


Accepted! In the first area they were wolfs but not there in a area where they are snow leopards. Just post a pic of a wolf and snow leopard and I will add it to the character page when I have time. The story has been going a little slower because it's been a busy summer but it should pick up again once it gets towards fall. :)
Josh ran over to the lizard and bit his back leg trying to get his attention. Then he ran over to the wall trying to lure it over.

The lizard bit Ray and pulled him off it's back. When Josh bit it the lizard growled and threw him across the cave. Then it turned to face Josh.
Josh ran over to the lizard and bit his back leg trying to get his attention. Then he ran over to the wall trying to lure it over.

The lizard bit Ray and pulled him off it's back. When Josh bit it the lizard growled and threw him across the cave. Then it turned to face Josh.

That's when Cayden pounced with all claws extended and teeth ready, from a rock ledge. She landed on the base of lizard's neck, she bit with her mouth, until she could get traction by digging her hind claws in as well. Finally attached firmly, she went for it's eyes with her now free front claws. She was tearing at the skin, but with her head used to hold on, she couldn't really see where she was aiming at.
The lizard tried to shake her off but lost balance and fell onto the wall. Josh watched as dome of the rocks fell but the cave wall stood still. "It's not going to work! Come on!" Josh said and started running further into the cave where he hid Kim.
The lizard tried to shake her off but lost balance and fell onto the wall. Josh watched as dome of the rocks fell but the cave wall stood still. "It's not going to work! Come on!" Josh said and started running further into the cave where he hid Kim.

Cayden let go of her hold of the lizard, to look up at Josh. She then dislodged her claws and jumped off and landed hard. Almost a bone jarring impact. But she had to get away from that thing. She made it back to where Josh had ran.
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Accepted! In the first area they were wolfs but not there in a area where they are snow leopards. Just post a pic of a wolf and snow leopard and I will add it to the character page when I have time. The story has been going a little slower because it's been a busy summer but it should pick up again once it gets towards fall. :)
oh ok! Thanks!

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