🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

Is the name Pepsi

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Outing 3

we drove somewhere for a short walk and then went for cake. She stuck near us the entire walk so she got some off leash time (no dogs or people around)

she did struggle with settling but surprisingly she didn’t put her feet on the table like I thought she would 😅 we then went to look at the donkeys that where there . Peps and I both agreed donkey noises are awful! She was scared of the donkey and rather then running away she decided to puff up and bark at them 😅 there where also chickens staring at her, they also got barked at. we never got very close to the donkeys, large animals are on the list of things we need to work on
last outing!

Peps is really beating Fanta at everything right now! She went into a non pet friendly place (no food and with permission) she did amazingly! She went on her first lift ride found it interesting, I had a worse time then her 😅 my brother had to take her down in the lift while I used the escalator:th

we asked at another shop we wanted to go in (after Pepsi had a nap) they told us normally they would say yes but they had a AD in training come in and cause a huge mess so they would rather we didn’t come in today because they are busy. apparently the dog was bouncing around, barking and then messed in the shop, they asked the handler to clean it up and the handler yelled at them! :he I cannot believe that people took that dog into a non-pet friendly shop! It frustrating that it meant we couldn’t go in ( completely understandable why the shop said no)

we went to a pet friendly shop instead they had a radio (that was on) all most on the floor that Pepsi got to have a look at, unfortunately I did not get a video of her head tilting at it 🙁
Sounds like pepsi is doing amazing!
I would never have considered taking Fanta into a non-pet friendly shop at this age! 🥲 Fanta was a lot older before her first time

the shark is definitely going to be trained a lot faster then Fanta some of that I think is because I have more experience now but a lot is her temperament. She is so much calmer then Fanta.

It is much less stressful training an AD now that I have experience doing it, though Fanta wasn’t fully trained she was getting close. I now know I can train one as long as her temperament is correct for it

Soda shark update

she went to her first puppy class we took Fanta as well for a class after. She want mad when she saw Fanta, this was her first time properly meeting Fanta. Fanta had to wait in the car 😅

first few minutes of class went as a expected, she was barking and trying to get to the other dogs but she started focusing on me surprisingly quickly. Once she did focus on me I would have her complete concentration few a while! then it would be back to staring at the other dogs for a minute then back to me. She had improved hugely by the end of the class!

few days later we took her to a furniture shop this was her second time going. She was very excited about people because she really liked the one person who worked there! Otherwise she was really well behaved things are starting to be much less interesting so she spent most of her time trying to earn treats😆.

she has all ready started doing the same thing puppy Fanta did after I did one training session for settling! She has started laying down at me at every opportunity :lau

we then went to a park. She barked at a lot of things and had a good time 🤣. They actually had an aviary with birds in it, she found it very boring. we did see one dog that she barked and puffed up at 🙃 she didn’t see any of the other dogs 😆
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Soda shark update

she went to her first puppy class we took Fanta as well for a class after. She want mad when she saw Fanta, this was her first time properly meeting Fanta. Fanta had to wait in the car 😅

first few minutes of class went as a expected, she was barking and trying to get to the other dogs but she started focusing on me surprisingly quickly. Once she did focus on me I would have her complete concentration few a while! then it would be back to staring at the other dogs for a minute then back to me. She had improved hugely by the end of the class!

few days later we took her to a furniture shop this was her second time going. She was very excited about people because she really liked the one person who worked there! Otherwise she was really well behaved things are starting to be much less interesting so she spent most of her time trying to earn treats😆.

she has all ready started doing the same thing puppy Fanta did after I did one training session for settling! She has started laying down at me at every opportunity :lau

we then went to a park. She barked at a lot of things and had a good time 🤣. They actually had an aviary with birds in it, she found it very boring. we did see one dog that she barked and puffed up at 🙃 she didn’t see any of the other dogs 😆
Also the dog trainers at the training club are only disappointed more and more each time we go 🙁 at least I am not relying on them for training help at all but I feel bad for the other people that go and don’t learn anything and don’t really get anywhere in their training

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