👻🎃 Halloween Hangout 🎃 👻

:barnie Lost this thread. Though I'd put it on the "watched" list, but I haven't. Anyways. Here we're doing Halloween decor, a bunch of Halloween candy (mostly chocolate), some scary movies. Nor sure about a party. No trick or treaters here, pretty sure that doesn't exist here
:barnie Lost this thread. Though I'd put it on the "watched" list, but I haven't. Anyways. Here we're doing Halloween decor, a bunch of Halloween candy (mostly chocolate), some scary movies. Nor sure about a party. No trick or treaters here, pretty sure that doesn't exist here
Yeah, we don't get trick or treaters either. What type of scary movies do you watch? With younger siblings it's normally the Nightmare Before Halloween for me :p
I celebrate Samhain with:

🍂a final harvest and big ol’ chicken-led garden cleanup
🍎a dish of pork with apples and onions (which will be completely locally sourced for the first time in the seven years I’ve made it — wooo!)
🖤a little space in my home with candles, family mementos, and sweet treats to remember those who have passed on (both two-legged and four-legged)
🎃and this year, new tradition: letting my girls carve their very own jack-o-lantern!

If we had trick-or-treaters, I’d celebrate regular Halloween too, but we’re too far in the boonies for that. 😂
That sounds like so much fun! The jack o lanterns are super fun, too.
Yeah, we don't get trick or treaters either. What type of scary movies do you watch? With younger siblings it's normally the Nightmare Before Halloween for me :p

Anything really. Can't be more specific because this is the first year I'm doing it on Halloween specifically, so I don't have any go-to's

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