Oh no. When the froggy puns start coming in... run.

frog GIF
Bad frog puns only. All others will be toad.
If you clicked, PLEASE comment something. Anything. I’m not picky. I want as many comments as there are views on this thread. I will pick my favorite comment tomorrow and you will get a "follow" from me and maybe something else…. 😏

This is it..... you have chosen to click.....
It is almost time....
Time to show you....certain things
Please reconsider
I TOAD you :DDD😛😁😁😇😎
The lighting is interesting... is this a pet?
Oh God. I have seen way to many frogs. Now I feel sick. I was just happily going through the first post and them I'm attacked my frog pictures. All the horror of frogs that I've met came gushing bad. Gaaaaaah. Too many frogs brain shutting down.

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