🚨emergency! chicken nail 🚨


Jul 10, 2020
Hi! One of our hens lost a bit of toe nail and it is bleeding a lot! When I hold paper towel on it it slows down but it starts dripping blood again once I take it off. It is pretty cold and snowing here but I'm not sure if you need to know that. We don't know what to do because it won't stop bleeding. Please Help!!
Hi! One of our hens lost a bit of toe nail and it is bleeding a lot! When I hold paper towel on it it slows down but it starts dripping blood again once I take it off. It is pretty cold and snowing here but I'm not sure if you need to know that. We don't know what to do because it won't stop bleeding. Please Help!!
Pictures please?

Do you have cornstarch? It's the same as bleed stop. Putting cornstarch on it should stop the bleeding.
When you get a chance take a photo.

For bleeding nails, apply pressure for a good while, you can apply a little flour or cornstarch as needed. Nails bleed like crazy, but it will eventually stop.
here is a photo. I tried to use cornstarch but it just bleed through and dripped off
I would try the things already suggested. Keep her in a crate and watch her. Most of those nail bleeds do eventually stop. Her toe will be sore for a week or more, and she might limp. But she should be fine. You can buy styptic pencils at Walmart and drug stores in the shaving or first aid aisles. But the corn startch or even flour should help.

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