*05/18* day 12, we candled & have movement!!

Thank you! We have the "X" "O" thing going with a pad next to bator so we know when was last time and what should be up!

We;re so very excited...
Im so happy for you!!! I candeled my silkie eggs at day 4-5 and saw veins and tiny heartbeats. They are now on day 14ish give or take a few hours--I have 20+ in there -had to throw 10 away--totally clear anda few blood rings :-(...but I have a bunch of others in there too!!!! I've had chickens for a year or so but this is my second attempt at incubating my first flopped all 38 eggs ! nothing-its all good though--I have a great feeling about this batch! What I have learned is beee patient and try not to open the bator as much as possible only when you need to... who am I kidding I have to slap myself to stay away from staring-I have 3 eggs in there that are on day 17 and Im already looking for rocking!!!!
It may be a little harder seeing as they are brown eggs--use your light in downward motion-meaning shine your light from the fat end down to the pointy end--that is where you will see veining-and you won't have to flip flop the egg around--
good luck
We candled them tonight, been in bator 5 days and we saw what we think are veins in 6 of the 8!...1 looked very clear and one we couldn't see much at all, but definitely NO RINGS, nuttin but veins!!!

I have to say, that was one of the most nerve-racking experiences I've had in a long time...
One of our eggs came cracked, we put tape over the crack and today I noticed a greyish substance under the tape which under a mag glass, looked like spores...I think the tape trapped the moisture in that area and caused a mold or something...

Will this effect the other eggs?...It seems to be contained to that one egg and only under the tape...We should have used wax...

We candled it and at day 8, decided to remove it from the bator...Thoughts?...
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As the days go by, is there any natural increase in humidity inside of the bator?...We're on day 9 and the humidity has been rising the last 2 days, wasn't sure if we added too much water the last time or what...

Thanx in advance!!!!!
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