1.5 year old hens stopped laying


7 Years
Feb 24, 2012
I have 11 hens that I started last year from chicks. There are EE's, Red Sex Links, Barred Rocks and Cochins. They have been GREAT layers. WE usually collect 8-11 eggs per day. Even in winter they laid about 6-7 a day. In the past week they just stopped. I have 8 eggs in the course of one week! My chickens are not high maintenance. They get out daily and free range, the coop hasn't changed, the feed we change out every few months so they are used to that as well. They have fresh water. I'm not sure what's going on? Any advice? I see things about molting but they all look good/normal. No sluggish behaviors. Help. Thanks!
Sounds like they are multing. They periodically lose some feathers (they don't go bald) and stop laying for a few weeks at around 14-18 monthes, then back to business. Put some vitamins in their waterer for the day, be sure to keep feeding well and offeirng fresh water. Perhaps let them out (under your supervison) for a few hours this evening for fresh grass and scratch, and to cheer them.

This is normal, except maybe the lethargy.
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For them to stop like that sounds to me like they have started a nest elsewhere. Or there is an egg predator around. If they are molting you will see more feathers around. Still it is a possible reason.
My older chickens are 17 months old and they are starting to molt. I've noticed feathers everywhere, and some of the barebacked girls are finally growing in some feathers. They don't all do it at once, and they usually take 1-3 months to complete it while not laying eggs. The heat is hard on the chickens not molting too, so they slow down laying. Two of my broodies are molting while they are raising chicks which is especially hard on them.

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