1 chick pecking another, but only 3 chicks total


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 11, 2011

okay,posted earlier about one of my chicks losing feathers - after observing today, it looks like one of my other chicks IS pecking her. so now I know she needs to be seperated, but how do I do that with just 3 chicks? Do I seperate the attacker or the victim? And can they be all alone in a brooder? They are 4 weeks, so they seem a little old to put them in with a brand new chick (if i were to buy another).

I ordered Blu-Kote, but I think I need to take immediate action and not sure what to do.
Hmm I would seperate the victim so she can heal up. Once they draw blood its all bad. Chickens are naturally cannibalistic (I know I didnt spell that right
). You could give the chick a small stuffed animal for comfort.

Oh and
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so once they draw blood - then what? can I reintroduce chick back once she has healed? or is this going to be a permanent problem?
Are you using a red heat lamp? Usually you use a red heat lamp in their brooder and it is suppose to keep them from pecking at eachother. Chickens are attracted to the color red as well as shiny objects which is bad since blood is red.
Remove a chick as soon as you see a drop of blood or a spot that's raw enough that it's on the boarder of bloody. Better alone that pecked to death. shuizar209 is absolutely correct, chickens are happy little cannibals.

Red light really can help, as can Blu-Kote but not always. I wouldn't take any chances. Once the bloody spot is healed you should be able to reintroduce your chick to the others, albeit I'd do it slowly.

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