1 Week Old Easter Egger Chick (hen) -- I just have too many - Los Angeles

I will take her! I can come and pick her up at your convenience. I live in Alhambra.

Grab another one if you can as well off craigslist if possibly. single chicks are lonely chicks
Shober- Awesome! I'd be happy to give her to you.
I should mention (as Cooper12 said) that I'm hoping she wont be a lone chick though. Unless you can spend a lot of time with her, she could get lonely. I'm still a novice and you may know better than me about what to do about that. Totally up to you though.
Anyway, if you do want her, send me a PM and we can work out a time. I'm around tomorrow after 2:30PM and other days this week mostly after 4PM. Let me know and thanks!
I'm so sorry! I checked back and didn't see a reply so I figured you didn't see my response! I have to find another chick so she won't be lonely!! The only ones I have found are out in Norco!! I will check back in a few days! Thanks and I'm sorry for the delay!
Hey Shober-- so it looks like this school wants to take her and so i'm going to do that. So sorry, but you can totally buy some where I got her in Sylmar. It's called Cooper's.


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