1 Week Old Mystery Bantam


Mar 9, 2020
Light grey legs, 4 toes, non-feathered


Grey shanks are known as slate. They may stay that way if the skin is white or appear a little green (with maturity) if the skin is yellow. Sometimes skin color can help discern breed, easiest seen on soles of feet.

Are you able to make out comb type?

Easter Egger is my guess.. can you tell if that's bearded or not? Looks like it might be to me.

Cute baby! :love
Grey shanks are known as slate. They may stay that way if the skin is white or appear a little green (with maturity) if the skin is yellow. Sometimes skin color can help discern breed, easiest seen on soles of feet.

Are you able to make out comb type?

Easter Egger is my guess.. can you tell if that's bearded or not? Looks like it might be to me.

Cute baby! :love
That's what I was thinking as well. Seems like they're bearded. As far as comb type it's difficult to tell, very flat. Definitely not single comb so my best guess would be pea comb

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