1 week old peachick looks like a water balloon!


6 Years
Aug 19, 2013
I noticed one of my chicks having trouble walking yesterday. I thought it was a hock problem but there wasn't any swelling or redness. So tonight I picked it up after watching a few minutes and it felt like it swallowed a water balloon. It's abdomen and one leg are fluid filled. What can be done????
Yes! it does seem more like air than water now that you mention it....Ok, will try to do a puncture on the poor baby. Oh man. I hate hurting little creatures....
Thank you!
No respiratory distress other than when I was holding it for the pin pricks. The air went down a little, not all but I didn't want to stress it out either.
I believe this happened when I was moving them from the brooder to the outdoor enclosure I have for them to pick. It started limping right after I placed them in and I could have bumped it on the edge of the tote or it could have gotten tangled up in grass and pulled too hard to get away..either way, it seems to be the start of the whole episode.
I hope it will resolve itself like it says in the article over time.
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I don't know what I would do without this Forum! It was so weird to hear that little pst when I poked that little pea with a pin LOL. He didn't go down much the first time but this morning it deflated quite a bit. When I got home from work, it was still a bit inflated but was walking or rather, running around much better! Thanks SO Much!

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