1 week old with odd growth near vent


Mar 29, 2018
South Western Idaho
Hello all, I have an approx. 1 week old silver laycewing wyandotte chick that I noticed this morning has an odd growth near her vent. She had some poopies stuck to her bum, so I was cleansing the area when I noticed the strange fleshy growth. It doesn't appear to be bothering her, and it's not coming out of the vent but rather appears to be growing beside it?

Does anyone know what this could be, and is it going to harm my baby chick?


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It could be a small vent prolapse, but it almost looks like a skin tag. I would make sure that the vent is kept clean so it can poop, and make sure it is drinking plenty to keep from getting constipated.
It could be a small vent prolapse, but it almost looks like a skin tag. I would make sure that the vent is kept clean so it can poop, and make sure it is drinking plenty to keep from getting constipated.

They keep kicking bedding in their water so I have been having to change it several times a day ! LOL... I'm leaning towards skin tag because it doesn't seem like its coming out of the vent. I'm not sure though. :/
Wow, that is strange. Are you sure it is a pullet and not a cockeral with it's plumbing outdoors instead of indoors?

No I'm not sure :X I bought her as a pullet, but I'm aware there is only a 90% success rate. I'm pretty sure this thing is growing on the side of the vent and not coming out of it. But it's always a possibility.............

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