1 year old speckled sussex hen with crop issues- with video


Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Long Island, NY
Hi all

I need your help today- have a 1 year old speckled Sussex hen named Lane Bryant who has been having issues with her crop.

Friday night I took her inside and separated her from the flock as she was doing a lot of crop adjustments and her crop was large and squishy. I did not give her solid foods for over 24 hours and her crop did not fully empty in the overnight- it feels like a water baoin. I have been giving her 2 tbsp of plain yogurt in the morning and in the evening for the probiotics incase it is sour crop. Although my husband and i do not smell anything sour or off coming from her beak-mouth.

I have been massaging her crop in an upwards motion for 5 minutes throughout yesterday and today.. I have been offering her plain water which she has been drinking. I have been giving her coconut oil incase it was impacted further down the line. Her poops have been normal, which makes be believe it is not impacted and may be beginning sour crop or pendulous crop.. it is about the size of cue ball, maybe slightly smaller. She is still adjusting her crop throughout the day please see below video and let me know what your thoughts she does not have a foul or sour smell coming from her beak but it seems that she she can't get the liquid out of her crop and I'm concerned at this point as it's been almost 48 hours since she's really been eating.

I have read the article below and I am just not sure which ailment she has and thus how to treat


If you could please take a look at the video and and let me know your thoughts I appreciate it!- you can't even see here some gurgling happening as well. She has thrown up a little on her own. Other than that all her vitals are great!

thanks so much for watching and in your help in advance!

@azygous @Wyorp Rock @Allsfairinloveandbugs

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So Lane Bryant is better today, laid an egg and her crop emptied! Continued with fresh water and gave her a scrambled egg. Continue to monitor and will keep all posted...
Glad to hear her crop emptied.

Does she have difficulties laying eggs? Sounds like once she was able to lay, then her digestive system was able to function properly again.

I'd see if she will eat some normal feed, drink well and then monitor the crop for a few days while she's out and about with her flock.
Glad to hear her crop emptied.

Does she have difficulties laying eggs? Sounds like once she was able to lay, then her digestive system was able to function properly again.

I'd see if she will eat some normal feed, drink well and then monitor the crop for a few days while she's out and about with her flock.
I haven't noticed her ever having laying problems, but this morning with a mostly empty crop she is still doing the neck adjustments. Any thoughts on treatment? Everything else is normal

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