10 Baby Wood Ducks (1st thought they were Mallards)

How are the duckling doing? @ThreeOfSeven

I lost 4 babies today, and I'm devastated. So, I got rid of the mama cave. I couldn't monitor them, and I don't think it was enough heat. All their food is in jar tops or the like, and even sprinkled on the bedding. There's a low water dish now with stones in it. They're finding food and dipping it in the water. I added a 2nd water dish, a little deeper and bigger, also with rocks. They go through a feeding phase which includes a lot of dipping in the water, followed by preening, and then napping. Heat lamp allows them to hover underneath it or move off to the side if they're warm enough.

Still feeding them a very finely ground mix of hard boiled egg, mealy worms, and oats (all ground up in food processor). Today they went through 3 batches (3 hard boiled eggs). Also available is mash made with duckling crumbles. They're very active eating, splashing in water, and then sleeping.

It was a tough day, and I'm watching them carefully.
My last check on them for the night. As you can see, the water dish is filled with food. I cleaned and refreshed that dish a few hours ago, so they've done some eating between now and then.

Wasn't really the *last* check. Couldn't sleep and had to check on them at approx. 1:30 am.
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Here's the setup. 2 water sources. The one on the left is a plastic meat tray, only about an inch deep. Both were cleaned right before this picture. They use the water for eating and cleaning. The food in the black jar top is gone from last night's eating, but it's now full with fresh food.


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