10 Baby Wood Ducks (1st thought they were Mallards)

It always hurts to lose them. We lost over 25 this year (they had wild parents and it was out of our control) and only 7 survived out of the 4 broods. The worst part is this happens every year and those who do survive come back the next year and their own babies get stuck keep me updated on if they make it

Wow, I don't think I'd be strong enough for that. My happiest moment will be when I release these kids to the wild, hopefully all remaining 5 babies.
I know. Their conditions change so quickly. But sometimes there is nothing you can do.
Lavender, a Sapphire Gem pullet, died earlier this year when she was only a week or two old. I don't know exactly why she died.
Sometimes, despite one's best efforts and having the best equipment and food, some just won't make it.
My condolences and sympathy to you, and good luck with the remaining ducklings.
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I know. Their conditions change so quickly. But sometimes there is nothing you can do.
Lavender, a Sapphire Gem pullet, died earlier this year when she was only a week or two old. I don't know exactly why she died.
Sometimes, despite one's best efforts and having the bast equipment and food, some just won't make it. I have the same habit of beating myself up, but sometimes there's nothing you can do but do your best.
My condolences and sympathy to you, and good luck with the remaining ducklings.

Thank you. It's helpful knowing that I'm not the only one who feels the weight of loss so heavy on my shoulders.

I have 8 baby chicks due to be delivered tomorrow (or next day?). Compared to these wild babies, I'm thinking the chicks will be a piece of cake.
This morning, I found the pond water that I put in with the babies last night totally spent! All the duckweed was gone, AND they ate ALL their food, which is a first! I washed out the water dishes and refilled them with duckweed and pond water. Also gave them more food. Here's a video of them eating the duckweed and food. (They're pretty shy, so I have to stand a little bit away.)
They sure look great an to see them eating an enjoying the duck weed pond water gives hope for these 5. I think your doing an amazing job!

"It takes a village ..." Many thanks to everyone's help, both locally and here on BYC. On the other hand, I haven't made it to their 1st week. Still holding my breath. <smile>
Feeding time. I freshen their food at least 4 times a day -- morning, midday, late afternoon, and night.

On the left are the finely ground mealy worms that gets mixed into the food. They like mealy worms.

Middle is a food mixture of hard-boiled egg, mealy worms, finely ground oats, and about 1/16 teaspoon of brewer's yeast. This is the food they like. They take a piece, dip it in water, and eat it. Water ends up with an eggy-yellow color, which is good because I know they've been eating. Water needs to be changed often. I also lightly sprinkle this mixture with chick grit.

The food mixture on the right is duck starter mash mixed with mealy worms, which I put into a food processor to break down into smaller bits. This generally goes untouched but I continue to put it out there for them, just in case. Hoping one of these days they will start eating more of it.

There's a lot of food in the middle and right containers. They got about 1/2 of each, and the rest went into the refrigerator.

It's pouring rain outside, and no sunshine to keep the babies warm, so they'll be staying in today. No fun swim time in the garden.


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