10+ Blue/Black/Splash Jersey Giant Day Old Chicks (Auction ends 5/17 at 9:00 p.m. EST )


9 Years
Dec 2, 2010
This auction is for 10+ Blue/Black/Splash Jersey Giant day old chicks. All chicks are sold straight run. These chicks will hatch on Monday, May 18, 2015, and will ship Express Mail on the same day for a flat rate of $50.00 unless you elect for pick-up. Pick-ups must be made within one (1) week of hatch date. If you order other chicks from us on the same date, there will only be one flat rate of $50.00 for all chicks ordered, no limit. Chick orders over $200 receive free shipping. You may find additional chicks at our website to take advantage of the one flat rate shipping.

Jersey Giants are a dual purpose bird, though they are most known for being a meat bird, with the average weight of roosters being 13 pounds and the hens weighing in at 11. In fact, they are the largest recognized purebred chicken. However, due to their slow growth rate, they are not raised as broilers in the meat industry. They actually lay well for a large breed chicken, laying an average of 180 large brown eggs annually and are persistent layers even in cold weather. The Jersey Giant originated in New Jersey in the late 19th century. The Black Jersey Giants were accepted by the American Poultry Association (APA) in 1922. White Jersey Giants came later in 1947 and now the APA has accepted the new color variation of blue, having done so in 2002. This variation also produces splash. Jersey Giants can be distinguished from similar breeds by the presence of yellow on the soles of their feet as well as the long flat back which will become evident as they grow. They are friendly and typically make great pets as the roosters rarely exhibit aggressive behavior. Our flocks come from a mixture of Jack McCurdy bloodlines, some unknown parentage, and Maria Hall lines. Two of the roosters in our pictures are well under a year old and still have a lot of growing to do.
We are NPIP Certified and have had our flocks tested for both Avian Influenza and Pullorum. We also offer a guarantee on our chicks, though shipping charges are nonrefundable. Please see our website at www.taylorhobbyfarms.us for more details and testimonials or pm us with questions. You can also view a YouTube video of our chicks at
Two of the Jersey Giant roosters pictured are less than one year old, so they still have some growing and filling out to do.

This auction will end Sunday, May 17th at 9:00 p.m. EST. Please bid by reply to this post. Bidding starts at $50.00, shipping charges of $50.00 (Express Mail) not to be included in the bid price. Paypal payment must be made within thirteen (13) hours of the close of auction by payment to [email protected] In the alternative, if you give us your phone number following the auction, we can call you and take debit or credit card payment over the phone. Thanks for looking and good luck!
Oh, so cute! Do they have their beaks trimmed? Hope not...
Im very interested
Hi Vamvakas. If you want to bid, the starting bid is $50, so you can just reply to this post with "$50."

To Poster "Ameraucanas," they do not have their beaks trimmed. We only vaccinate them for Marek's before they leave the farm. Let us know if you have any more questions.

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