10+ Frizzle Easter Eggers Hatcing egg NPIP tested


Red Roof Hens
10 Years
Feb 2, 2009
Hamilton Ga
aution will run till 3-19-12 at noon. 10+ Easter Eggers. The roosters are a Blue Ameraucana, Frizzle Easter Egger . They lay Blue/green eggs. The hens some are Black Ameraucana some are split/Lavender Ameraucana and some are Easter Egger. Can not guarantee egg once leave the Post Office. Each egg is wrap in bubble wrap placed in an egg carton. Carton is wrap with some thing to secure it. The place in a priority box made sure carton can not move and shipped to you door. Check out my www.redroofhens.com Please pay as soon as auction egg. Egg can not wait will get old. Egg are collected for three day shipped on four.

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