10 month old not sleeping or eating solid foods anymore????

I'd put it down to teething. Some kiddos get upset tummies from all the drool. Mine would also eat constantly, and wake in the night during growth spurts. Once they slowed down, I'd be wondering why they were eating so little.

But I agree, ask a pediatrician. Last year, my then seven-year-old was just acting "off". Cranky, not sleeping, doing poorly in school, but not sick. When I took him to the doctor, he was diagnosed with a raging sinus infection. His only symptom was crankiness and trouble sleeping.
We have spoken with the pediatrcian before. When William had a pretty bad cough before she prescribed a medicine with a drowsy effect so I could get some sleep. No such luck. I have tried the cereal bottles and even the jar cereal (which he won't eat now) The jar worked a little, but the bottle just made him gassy because he wouldn't burp well.

Tonight I took some of the chicken i had lef over from roasting the other night and let him chew it. He seemed to like that. I guess he just thinks he is a big boy now (don't tell him that being a ninny baby is the opposite though
) He didn't eat much of the chicken, but he did eat some. Then he wanted to nurse.
I think hes starting to be a big boy now..

As for the sleeping..i have no clue there...sorry. Good luck with the little guy!
Teething hurts, mama. Try to find some Hyland's teething Tablets, they help a lot. Have you tried sleeping with him? He just may need the extra closeness right now due to the teething and probably a growth spurt. When mine went through this extra nursing and co-sleeping really helped them to relax. Poor mama and poor baby, feel better! <3
I have just about the same problem you are having. My son is gonna be 10 months on the 25th of this month. I also nurse him and he doesn't sleep through the night either.
Except mine won't even touch baby food. He will eat the graduates like the little cheese curls, and veggie curls. The only thing can get him to eat is table food.
have to always make sure I make a veggie and a noodle or rice or mashed potatoes so he can eat too. Mine is very picky eater. But I tried some of that baby food.
understand his dislike. I think the sleeping habits have something to do with the teething and the drastic weather changes. That is my guess. Sounds like your not getting much sleep also. If you find a solution I would love to hear about it.

Good Luck.
First off, don't worry. I do suggest contact a la leche legion person. Although some see them as a bit over-the-edge, they are very knowledgeable in their field... Us chicken people have raised kids, but we may not be experts.

Question - Will he join in the family and eat what the older siblings are eating...even if just for fun? Maybe feeding everyone together will encourage him to eat.

That said, the truth is that if you are nursing him he's getting mostly all he needs through the milk.

As for the sleeping...sorry to say but some children just don't need a whole lot of sleep. The only other thing I'd add is that because he's nursing and getting mostly fluids, he's probably not getting the solid types of food that might settle more in the stomach and keep him satisfied to encourage a long night's sleep.

All the best Mom
Every baby is so different. I nursed each of mine for a year unless they weaned themselves first. Mine also hated baby food and ate table food as soon as they showed interest. Whether it be a slice of cheese or cheerios. Cut up spagetti, macaroni and cheese. Little bits of chicken.

And none of them slept through the night until I stopped nursing. Once in a while I would get 5-6 hours but never more. I think they just want you.

Now for the part where everyone hates me...I let them cry when I was done with the middle of the night stuff. It would take up to a week of me going half crazy but they learned to soothe themselves back to sleep and within a week we were over it.

You do need to keep the ear out for that "special" cry that says "I'm sick" or "I'm scared" but if you go too often then they learn (and quickly) that you will come when they cry.

Each of us has to make the decision on what we can and will do. Those were my choices and I am not expecting anyone to do them unless they feel like they want to.

And it may not work for you. My daughter tried it with her son and he now sleeps at least 5 hours where as he was waking up every 2-1/2.
I didn't breastfeed ( went into heart failure after delivery and was on 4 heart meds) but boy do I know about a baby that didn't sleep. My DD didn't sleep through the night until she was 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did everything I could to help her (and us) sleep. Made sure she had milk or milk and cereal at night so she would have a full belly, did the lavender and chamomile baths, didn't turn on any lights if and when we got up during the night, didn't do a lot of talking when we did get up, etc. It didn't matter waht I did, she just did not sleep. As she got older it got a little better because I wouldn't let her nap all day, I would wake her tail up so she would sleep at night and eventually she did. She is 4 now and I don't think she has had a nap since she was 2, but she sleeps like a rock at night. As someone suggested, letting them sleep with you does help some babies. Some have the need to be close to you to be comfortable. The Hyland's teething tablets are a lifesaver if it's due to teething. You can get them at most retailer's and they are homeopathic so they don't have an effect on them like Benedryl or anything. My child would never eat anything slimy either. To this day she won't eat grapes because they "pop" in her mouth, nor will she eat peaches or other slimy things LOL!!! If he is just wanting to mouth the table food, it may very well be teething.
I'm a long time breatfeeder, too. I've come to realize that any kid not doing "regular" behaviors CAN'T do them. When my big breastfed chunky baby had trouble like yours, we brought him to the pediatrician who basically told me I worry too much. By the time he was 4 he was only 18 pounds. Finally at University of Chicago Comer Children's hospital he was diagnosed with celiac disease; we were there because he looked like a dying child. We were SO LUCKY to get that diagnosis, that it wasn't cancer or god-knows-what, but it came too late for him to be a healthy kid again. By the time we started treatment for celiac disease, he had lost all the muscles on his back and some of his vision, so he has to struggle like crazy to do basic things.

I'm not saying every kid has celiac disease. But I am saying any kid who refuses a food is probably UNABLE to eat it, not just cranky. At 10 months old, a baby can't tell you if it hurts to eat certain things. If a baby is up all night with belly pain, gas and a fever, and seems "changed" with the addition of new foods, he probably is having trouble with certain foods. Regular kids tend to sleep through the night by the time they've doubled their birth weight. Any kid who doesn't CANT do it. Imagine, if your blood sugar crashed because you couldn't absorb any nutrition, you'd be up in the middle of the night wailing too. Just google "signs of low blood sugar" and you'll see the typical toddler who can't sleep-shaky, irritable, sweaty, confused.....

I'd say your mothering instincts are probably right. You know when you need to ask for more help. You've been through toddlerhood before, but not like this. I hope you can get some good professional advice. Maybe, bring this with you to the doctor and get a decent physical with some basic labs done, just to rule out anything weird like we went through. He can be checked for the basics: lead level, diabetes, thyroid, ages/stages screen. With 3 kids in your home, you don't need anything to get more complicated! We want the upcoming holidays to be joyful, not sleepless, right?!

Good luck!

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