100 Broilers and Fermented Feed Project

Some of you may remember I was trying to create my own strain of meat bird using a Meat King or Cornish Cross as the mother, and a Heritage Barred Plymouth Rock as the father. I posted pictures of the chicks, who were hatched February 27th, so will be 7 weeks tomorrow. They are wide like a CX, but are definitely not as big (which is fine by me!) they are twice the size of their half siblings though.

Both of them are girls it appears. Really wide stance. I am happy with them
Wow, a good start of the breeding program.
I just orderd 100 broilers and they are scehduled to arrive in January 2014. I have a few questions for anyone who has had 100 broilers at one time. Can you tell me how were they housed? Were they in movable tractors? If so, how big was the tractor (measurements)? How much area is needed per chick in a chicken tractor? How much feed did they consume each week? At what age did you process them? What was the average weights of the broilers? How many did you lose before process time?

I would love to hear your stories with a large number of broilers at one single time.

I am late, but do you have picture of your feeder? I wonder how your feeder look like to feed 100 chickens with fermented feed?
Can some knowledge meat bird grower answer a question that has bothered me for a while? As I understand it CX are essentially unable to achieve adulthood due to heart and leg problems so what are the bred from? I farm egg layers and my brother-in-law raises CX broilers that he gets as day old chick but he has no idea what the breeding process us.
I am late, but do you have picture of your feeder? I wonder how your feeder look like to feed 100 chickens with fermented feed?

Not sure about kuntrygirl but you can feed a lot of chickens with a rain gutter. Cut it in half and place each end in a cement block. Lower hole for younger and higher hole for grown chickens. You can buy it for less than $10 and a couple of bucks for the blocks. Easy, cheap and doable.

Can some knowledge meat bird grower answer a question that has bothered me for a while? As I understand it CX are essentially unable to achieve adulthood due to heart and leg problems so what are the bred from? I farm egg layers and my brother-in-law raises CX broilers that he gets as day old chick but he has no idea what the breeding process us.
Easy, treat them as chickens. Don't leave food out for them 24/7 . I fed mine 3 times a day for the first 2 wks and I fed fermented feed. After that I do a good feed at 9 am (because I don't want to earlier) and the bigger feed at 4 or 5pm. Enough that they can eat in 15 min. Put the food high enough that they have to get up and reach for it and the same for the water. Keep the water and food apart. Encourage them to get out (if possible) to exercise a bit. I have a friend that raised her CX's with her layers. She just had a few. And they followed the others to roam and play. Good luck. If you're interested in Fermented feed check out the different threads. Also:


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