100+ Coturnix Eggs in the bator Mar 25th

Yeppers I've been to her place it's not far from me. My A & Ms, my Tuxedos, my dark tibetans and some of my goldens (most of them except my hawn roo) are all from her
Not only did i go home with my goal colors that night, she also gave me like 60 free eggs to take home too! Sadly only a few hatched because of my rediculous incubator i had at the time...now im spoiled with a cabinet incubator I adore that does well! So I cannot wait to see what I should have gotten to begin with haha! I had 5 chipped non smooshed but tehy must have been abused in shipment because it'd be pretty hard ot chip eggs against plastic buffered with packing stuff! LOL! So i pitched those few just because it was okay to loose a few instead of finding a stinky egg later

I will deffinatly tell her you were proud to talk about her eggies she'll be pleased im sure.
I'm hoping to send her marans eggs in the fall as a thank you.

Her place is pretty cool. She has most of her quail in her garage (tho it's more like a quail room now lol)! I was having fun teaching her how to tell the roos from the hens, and showing her what this and that color was called.

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