100 Pictures of Our Flocks: A Community Picture Project

#12 a face only a mother could love
and yes, i did take this picture on the 30th of march. it is fromme, i copied and pasted it from a thread that i started trying to find out what breed she is. her name is clementine, and she is a dark cornish! (maybe...)
#57 a special delivery (born on Easter -- Licorice with my daughter's new chick Grandpa McFuzzHead)
Poppy, insanity
66. Puddle Play or 76. Reflections. I'm not sure which category it would best fit in.
Hi all, this is my first post and this is my DD with one of our buff orpingtons. 55. ruffled feathers
67 - rooster crowing still has a space open atm -this is B;acky - a Blue Andalusian - he like to fly on the roof - he's not that tough though...
67 - rooster crowing - not really sure what image size to select - this is Sprite, my Golden Polish
67 - crowing rooster - since i raised so many, this is the 3rd one ... This is Poseidon, Blue Andalusian ....
Follow the leader - the buff catalanas :)
These are all accepted! :thumbsup I will have to add them this afternoon, though. We're all full on close-ups, what in the worlds, proud poses, birdy peek-a-boos, cuteness, and fuzzy butts.
Those are wonderful looking birds, why have I never heard of the.lol.
They are like Buff Leghorns, I love Leghorns.
Are they rare?

Buff Catalanas i guess are considered rare - they are a dual purpose Mediterranean breed - good layers, said to be little shy, but mine come running for treats - i think if i had spent a lot of time with them as chicks ...they'd be all over me.... I thought my Blue Andalusians were big, compared to the Buttercups and Fayoumis they were, but these guys a way bigger and a true dual purpose breed. Great foragers and said to be heat tolerant....we'll find out when in the summer heat ...they are a bit big to the THAT heat tolerant ...I added some more pics just for fun. Ian case you want to pick up some - 5 of the roos are available.


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