101 reasons we love ducks

don't know if it was mentioned before but

287 - the way they stick together
288 - the way the drakes come running back if a stranded duck quacks
289 - the way a drake protects his mate
290 - the happy greeting sound they make when they touch their bill to their feet
291 - the purring sound they make when they're burrowing in a nice pile of dirt or under long grass
292 - The way their dinosaur heads come crashing through their brooder slats like they're straight out of Jurassic Park.
293 - That one shrill, impatient "HEY!" whistle they make when you're not quick enough refilling their water.
294 - The way the younger ducklings try to imitate the older ducks while observing through their degree of separation.
OMG you guys! Duck necks! 19 wonderful pages, and no one said "duck necks". Perfect, natural human hand-sized handles for grasping and lifting.

Also they make wonderful ambassadors at the farmers market, eating peas and worms out of kids' hands without pecking a hole in their skin like chickens will. (Ask me how I know that. :hmm )

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