101 reasons we love ducks

I wanted to say you haven't laughed as hard as you will when you have 7 ducklings and fill up their pool.
They stand and giggle and fidget just like kids waiting to swim and when the pool is all full they act shy.
They waddle to the pool whispering to each other and step up and one go's in head first and dive's like a scuba diver to the bottom and swims the length of the pool.
Then pops up treading water flies out of the pool and runs in a circle like a mad hatter then flies back in the pool to repeat the dive and run.
Then all 7 are diveing and popping in and out and running and soon quacking.

Sometimes i laugh till i cry

They are just fun!!
151. the way they muddy the drinking water after you've just cleaned and changed it, and yet they love it that way
152. the noise their bills make when they eat greens in the pool
153. the way they dive for peas!!
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after watching my ducks enjoying the rain this morning i thought of these...
they are all huddled around the bottom of the gutter where the water flows out...having a ball

156. the way they enjoy rain unlike chickens.. or at least all chickens i know...
157. the fact that ducks are cleaner since they bath themselves in water whenever they can...unlike a chicken who bathes in dust.
158. more water baths means less buggers...feather mites, fleas...etc.
(hopefully this hasnt been mentioned. i read all the reasons and cant remember if this is on it...)
159. the way they make thier own puddles, those deep Bill sized holes they drill into the ground when its muddy, yum.
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You guys beat me to it. There's nothing left to say. My favorite things about my ducks are:

37. The way they stand on their tiptoes, flap their wings & then wiggle their tails
38. When ducklings do #37

114. When you are spraying them with the hose, how they bite at the water!

and someone else said something about how they think you are going to kill them, but when you catch them and pet them, they snuggle up against you.
11. duck butts emerging from the pond/pool.
HA! I loved this one............nothing cuter than a duck shaking his behind! I also like when they stand up tall and flap their wings.
Everyone has listed all the reasons I love them, I got them because I just can't look at them and NOT smile! They just make me laugh, and I really wish I had the noisy ducks some people complain about........I LOVE to hear them quacking and making all kinds of noise. Somehow I ended up with quiet ducks.......except when the peas come out!

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