101 reasons we love ducks

162. There's no pecking order like with chickens (or at least mine don't) so they all play nice.

163. The way the sun reflects all of the colors - the greens, purples, blues...

164. So cute to watch them go up the deck steps and quack to come down!

Yesterday I sold 3 chickens and bought 3 more ducks. My friend said I'm duck addicted LOL.
162. There's no pecking order like with chickens (or at least mine don't) so they all play nice.

Ooohhh there is a pecking order with ducks. When you see a female mount a female, its all about who is boss.

Yesterday I sold 3 chickens and bought 3 more ducks. My friend said I'm duck addicted LOL.

Duck questions (for those of us who have never had ducks, never realized we wanted ducks, but are charmed by all of these reasons to have ducks)

1) How old before the hens start laying?

2) How many eggs does a duck lay per week on average? How many years will a hen lay?

3) What do duck eggs taste like? Can they be eaten fried/scrambled/etc. or are they just used in cooking?

4) Can ducks and chickens be kept together, or is it pretty much one or the other? I thought I'd read that 'game birds' (that would include ducks, right?) and chickens can't be kept together.

5) How winter sturdy are ducks? Do I have to get them a heated pool??

6) Any recommended breeds?

I know, I know--a ton of questions, but y'all have me thinkin' here, and that can be dangerous!

1) How old before the hens start laying?

Between 5 and 7 months

2) How many eggs does a duck lay per week on average? How many years will a hen lay?

Depends on the breed. Runners, khakis and welsh harlequins can lay 5-7/week.

3) What do duck eggs taste like? Can they be eaten fried/scrambled/etc. or are they just used in cooking?

The yolk is a bit richer and the white thicker. I use them exactly as you would a chicken egg. Some people say they are too rubbery fried, but I have no problem with the slight difference.

4) Can ducks and chickens be kept together, or is it pretty much one or the other? I thought I'd read that 'game birds' (that would include ducks, right?) and chickens can't be kept together.

Many people raise them together. Ducks tend to be messier though, so you have to plan a little more about your food and water set up.

5) How winter sturdy are ducks? Do I have to get them a heated pool??

They come with their very own water proof down coat
Heated pool isn't necessary, but they would love it if you gave them one...LOL

6) Any recommended breeds?

Depends on what you want. Meat bird? Egg layer? Ornamental? Dual purpose? One that will hatch out ducklings for you?​
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Ooohhh there is a pecking order with ducks. When you see a female mount a female, its all about who is boss.

Quite a pecking order, especially during breeding season. I've seen the alpha muscovy hen run another off her eggs because they were too close to her ducklings. When I tried to bring them into the coop at night, once they were locked up instant chaos prevailed as the female muscovies were claiming their territory. When I went to investigate, the losers slipped past me, never to return to the coop again. Became like herding cats, so I just gave up.

The drakes are another story. You can see male A chase away male B, and in turn male B will chase away male C. Of course. now that the females have stopped breeding, they tolerate each other again.

I have to use multiple feed and water bowls because the dominant ducks will sometimes prevent others from eating.

I also had the opportunity to watch some four week old muscovy ducklings fight for their pecking order. Lasted about five or ten minutes. The winner even tried to fight hen.
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I have to use multiple feed and water bowls because the dominant ducks will sometimes prevent others from eating

Mine never fought over food, but Uno would always claim all the water bowls. I had to have 3 of them in various spots in the yard. Uno would run back and forth between all three trying to keep the other ducks from drinking from HER bowls. After that got tiring, she would just go to her favorite, climb in and stare down anyone who got too close to her...

"All the waters are belong to ME!"


:::sigh::: I miss her (stupid hawk!)​
165. The way they start quaking at me once I whistle for them when I walk out my door. We will whistle and quack back in forth until they are right in front of me, like a game of marco polo.

166. When they wiggle there butts when they poo. The only animal I can think of that does something cute when it poos.
So true - I love that!!!!

I can't disagree with anything Wifezilla said - exactly true. I raise chickens and ducks together. Started with 5 ducks and now I'm up to 12! I currently have 10 or 11 chickens too and it's impossible to keep the feed separate. I feed in 3 or sometimes 4 different pans in the yard twice a day to make sure everybody gets some. Ducks are pigs but they seem to eat quickly and the younger chickens get the leftovers.

My ducks just recently started laying, within the past couple of months and I have to admit that I love their eggs better than the chicken. We eat them fried, scrambled, hardboiled - exactly the way you would with chicken eggs. I personally notice no difference in taste but there is a definite difference in consistency - but not in a bad way. They are incredible fried - the yolks are really thick and the whites are much thicker. Some of our egg customers say they notice a difference in taste but they like it.

I let my ducks decide where they wanted to sleep. The 5 silver Appleyards like their pen and share it with 3 younger chickens. The other 7 ducks prefer the coop with the rest of the chickens. It works out and everybody is happy

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