101 reasons we love ducks

167. the way they will stand sleeping on one leg, and despite the fact that they almost keep falling over, they refuse to sit down to rest both

168. how they will come and stand on the walkway in front of the door and QUACK until i come out. then they lead me to what they want. lol

i love ducks. this whole thing made me smile, thinking of all their cute little ways!
Thank you so much, Wifezilla and LittleRalphieRoosMama, I really appreciate the words of wisdom. I felt bad after I posted this morning, and was thinking, uh-oh, I sort of hijacked that thread without even thinking about it, so it was nice of you both to answer my questions.

I was at the weekly poultry sale a couple weeks ago, and a box of Muscovys sold pretty reasonably, and now I'm kicking myself for not grabbing them!

Ah well, there's always this week. . .

170. when you put a bag of feed on the ground for a min and you come back with a duck in a bag.
171. the pattering of there feet on there way from the pond.
172. the litle look in there ey that just says FEED ME:(
#173. When I bring out bologna for a treat, my Scovies come around me & stand waiting their turn. I first make eye contact with one, then comes the toss, if she catches it in the air then she waggles her tail really hard and looks soooo pleased with herself
then of course I have to throw her another one.
#174. How if one Scovy jumps into the air to catch a piece of bologna then of course the next one in line HAS to try it also.
They try to eat the shadows from the trees when the wind rustles the leaves. Its moving and they can reach it...it must be food!

I also love the way they chase the flashlight beam when I go to check on them at night. Its MOVING...must get it.
The way they all line up at the window first thing in the morning when they're waitin to come out their hut and they're so excited to start their day that they're all quackin and bobbing and knockin on the window to come out. (Despite the first thing the guy who gave them said to us was that they woudn't quack until they were let out the hut in the morning. If I lie in bed any later than 8am all I can hear is WAAAK WAKKKKKK, little brats!)

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