101 reasons we love ducks

219. When there's snow on the ground and they are tired of walking, they lay down and swim/push themselves along.
220. Getting chewed out in the morning because you were late letting them out because you overslept.
221. How they come running up to the food while it's windy, flapping their wings and suddenly a gust takes them off the ground for a few feet. Only when they land they have this look like "how did that happen?!" or "how can I do that again?!"
222. When they are drinking and they think they are in water so they go through the motions and start "bathing", and then people ask you why that one there is shuffling along and looking all poofy and you respond "Oh, he thinks he's in water".
223. In the same vein, when they try to bathe and instead they do a forward flip, and then freak out and run around for a few seconds because the picture of what they are doing and trying to accomplish in their ducky heads isnt matching up to reality.
224. When you are watching tv with them and they try to peck at little specks that they think are bugs.
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225: Ducks star in funny songs... like this:
227. When they hear the bulkhead door open (creeeeak!) and they come running from the woods quacking up a storm to see if a) they will be let out into the BIG yard b) I will have a treat or c) anything new

228. When I do one of the "whistles" (there are 3 or 4 and they all mean "hey! where is everybody?") and they come running to show me where they are.

229. When I find 1 or 2 eggs in the run almost every day

230. When the 2 "old" girls are resting (which they do alot more than the 4 young girls) with heads tucked and the chocolate runner Lady Godiva runs past them (which she always does cuz she's always in a hurry to get somewhere) and one of them reaches out swift as can be and pecks her then proceeds to tuck her head again. The two old girls chatter to each other (with heads tucked) for a moment and then go quiet. Cracks me up every time!
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232. When they are in the pool, and I'm watching them, they look completley bored, but once I turn away I hear the splashing begin!

233. At night when I go out to see them, and I say "Duckies!!!" They come quacking out of their duck house, staring at me until I come in, and then they sit, and wait for their peas.

I Love duckies!

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