103 degrees, think they're dead?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 19, 2010
Ingleside Texas
Have three more days til lock down, I noticed temp 103 for a little while. it is in the garage and it is summer here in south texas - serious heat now. My quail seem to hatch no matter what - not sure about silkies will wait - anyone else had this happen to them? I know the garage is a bad place but I like to watch them - wish it was cooler!
Dont give up hope yet! I've had much higher spikes and still had some hatch...
Good luck!
Thanks - I'll let you know what happens!. You have your incubators running? Where do you set yours up? Husband doesn't like smell in house and I'm afraid of snakes and power outages outside of my house! My silkie hens have disappointed me only 2 chicks and 2 quail from 4 broody hens. So I just bought a bigger incubator! Would really love these quail to make it!
I've been hearing peeping and four eggs have little cracks - so we'll see. Four silkie eggs and 16 quail eggs so far nothing from quail eggs. Not due to hatch til tomorrow. Some hope there - wish it would cool off here!

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