Ended 10th Annual BYC EHAL, Contest #2-Farthest shipped Eggs

@ChickenFox She just shipped some to me this week! You are about 100 miles further east of me, so you have me beat! Well, mine aren't for the HAL anyway, they are just due to arrive tomorrow. :clap
Hopefully they arrive in the same condition mine did. They were packed beautifully and not a single cracked or scrambled aircell in the bunch! So far I have 11/18 developing and I'm ecstatic about it. I only ordered 12 but she was worried about fertility with one particular color so she sent many extra of others. Doesn't look like I'll get my Milles this time around but the Golden Neck and Porcelain are looking great! Gives me an excuse to hatch more eggs later too. :plbb
What did you get?
So this is a strange questions but I have been watching my little silkie eggs and I have one egg that is always moving. I have never seen an egg moving this much unless it is right before hatch time. They will go into lock down tomorrow. Is this normal or should I be worried about the day for hatch.
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So this is a strange questions but I have been watching my little silkie eggs and I have one egg that is always moving. I have never seen an egg moving this much unless it is right before hatch time. They will go into lock down tomorrow. Is this normal or should I be worried about the day for hatch.
I would not worry much. That one might hatch early though
Woot woot!! :wee
Sorry about the major delay in replying! With my little bun in the oven due in 2 days I've just been so frazzled making sure I have everything ready for her I haven't been logging in recently.
Woot woot!! :wee
Sorry about the major delay in replying! With my little bun in the oven due in 2 days I've just been so frazzled making sure I have everything ready for her I haven't been logging in recently.

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