11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

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Had him in a coffee cup for a long time. His back was gettin rubbed and a little red but now he’s fluffed and it’s gone away.
His legs are definitely straddled but a little different then what I usually see for straddled legs (I may be wrong) at this point I was think of starting a new thread about this little guy? Should I? His bottom side is gettin raw and looks really bad from rubbing and not walking on his feet properly

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his legs are out in front of him so I don’t know if this is straddle leg—but definitely something similar (I may be wrong)
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what can I do?

thank you all sorry about this little guy and happy Easter.🐣:)
I used a half of a band-aid (split long-ways) on my splayed bantam chick. Worked like a charm!
Alright, I have 4 eggs left in the incubator. Yesterday was day 21. I can‘t see any pips. Should I candle them? Wait until tomorrow? After this is over, I have a few questions. I definitely am excited by the chicks that hatched but the percentage is so poor. The temps and humidity seemed great the entire time. I will post details later and ask for suggestions.
Out of my 24 chicken eggs, only 3 made it to lockdown. I dropped one (it died) and one hatched. The third egg looks dead. The air cell is draw down VERY far and I don’t see movement. I still have 3 of the 4 guinea eggs I set. They aren’t due for a couple of days yet (I set them a bit late). They are alive and kicking, so I should have some buddies for the lonely baby soon. Baby is a Dark/White Cornish I think. Pure Dark babies usually have a wild type down pattern and this baby only has a dark ring on the back of it’s neck.
Alright, I have 4 eggs left in the incubator. Yesterday was day 21. I can‘t see any pips. Should I candle them? Wait until tomorrow? After this is over, I have a few questions. I definitely am excited by the chicks that hatched but the percentage is so poor. The temps and humidity seemed great the entire time. I will post details later and ask for suggestions.

If there aren’t any in the incubator with external pips, I would go ahead and candle them to see what’s going on. Pay particular attention to see if the air cell has sucked down since lockdown (indicating the chick got into hatching position), if there is any shadowing on the back of the air cell, or if the chick is possibly in the air cell.
My guess is that if you already have others hatched, and those 4 aren’t even externally pipped yet, then they’re most likely DIS, but you never know.
If there aren’t any in the incubator with external pips, I would go ahead and candle them to see what’s going on. Pay particular attention to see if the air cell has sucked down since lockdown (indicating the chick got into hatching position), if there is any shadowing on the back of the air cell, or if the chick is possibly in the air cell.
My guess is that if you already have others hatched, and those 4 aren’t even externally pipped yet, then they’re most likely DIS, but you never know.
I didn’t see anything. I tapped on the eggs and didn’t hear anything. Hopefully, I’ll wake up tomorrow and find some more babies.
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