11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

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Me trying to figure out how to cram more chicken eggs in the bator for this:

I already have duck eggs going that will hatch in time...but FOMO wants me to set some chicken eggs too 😂
I’m going to set some chicken and guinea eggs. I was going to set them today, but I’ll wait until Saturday so I can participate. I’ll probably stuff my Brinsea ovation 28 EX completely full. There may be a lot of duds because both my roosters have been limping. But one of them is definitely trying. NOTE: both my roosters are Dark Cornish and are out of sorts from fighting each other :he (they have been separated).
I wish I had known about this a week ago.. like, on 3/14, when I set 15 eggs in my incubator..

(3 eggs are from my banty Mille Fleur, the rest are from Ameraucanas.. and since everyone lives together (4 girls and 6 boys), this hatch might be like a box of chocolates...)

Anyway, they're going to be a week early, too soon to be "in" the hatchathon.. and they won't release the incubator before it's too late to get in. My birds are laying about every third day, and there are a few vacant spaces in the incubator.. so I might collect a few more eggs, mark them and start them Saturday.. but that means hand turning the second group for 3 days, then reprogramming the incubator for a 7 day cycle (if that's even possible) to finish them. And, the humidity will be higher during the last 3 days of the first group's cycle. So it all might be more trouble and risk than it's worth...

If you have room add 2 more eggs on Saturday 😈
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