12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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I am sorry for your loss, what a horrible situation!

I am pleased that your babies hatched! nothing like having little chicks rise from the ashes of such tragedy.

I am psyched that you are being persistant with the DA. They often put these things on the back burners, as they are not technically 'violent' crimes. (yeah right) However, an angle you may not have thought of here, and may wish to. Even if you win your case, and the dogs are put down, There is nothing stopping the owners from going out to get thier own replacements, and the cycle may start all over again. Is it possible to request from the judge that these people be restricted in thier choice of breeds? Rhodies are not a breed to toy with, and people used to that kind of breed shock value, are going to want to stick with it. (not that any breed would be safe in these peoples hands)

Has anyone offered this kind of restriction? Perhaps a petition signed by neighbors might convince a judge to consider it? there are precedents for restricting owners of dangerous dogs from owning more. Might be worth trying?
Don't forget to add in the time loss for having to call and check on the courts and such. Also the heartache and what is it called "pain and suffering" you and your family have had to go through wondering if the dern things will get out again and time to FIND new chickens to replace the ones they destroyed. Gas and expenses to go get the new chickens,etc.
I was given a husky about two years ago well we were not warned that he liked chickens god my husband and I felt so bad The day he got out. But we had to have him put down it was unfair to our neighbors.He killed all but 4 of there chickens I felt so bad we paid for some new ones the following spring.know we have our own chickens but its rally hard dogs can be so dangerous to chickens.Even well kept dogs.
It is sad. but it is what dogs do! We have been very fortunate, we have two large dogs, ond one of them, the lab mix tolerates the free range chickens, and patrols the yard to keep them safe. Our neighbors dog sometimes comes and looks into our yard, from a distance, but our boys chase him off. I dont know what we will do when our old gaurdian dog finally passes away.

I only wish there was some sure fired way of teaching this to all dogs. Some of them just will never understand. Breaks my heart.
What a shame, that would just make me sick. And what a bad situation. Yeah, you have a chance at hatching the eggs still, if it's been less than 12 hours or so, my dd accidentally refrigerated some eggs meant for the bator, they were cold about 12 hours, but all hatched.
Tha saga continues. The nasty neighbors with the nasty dogs are now trying to sell their nasty puppies. Yes, they are backyard breeders, and their two roaming, vicious, unsocialized, domesticated predators are their breeding pair. The city prosecutor told me yesterday that she was just prosecuting them as violating the dog at large & dogs doing damage charges and was not pursuing them under the dangerous dog ordinances. I was mad. She blamed the Sheriff's dept and said they hadn't reported it properly. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! I have been following up on this constantly. The Sheriff's Dept did everything right. I called the Sheriff's Dept and talked to the captain in charge of the road patrol yesterday. He said one of his investigators would look into it immediately. I talked to him again today. He told me to call the City Prosecutor again because she is now supposed to be ammending the charges to adequately reflect the crime and protect the neighborhood. I really love our Sheriff's Dept. I don't know who they called or what was said, but they are really on my side with this! I left a message for the prosecutor to call me back. I also mailed her a detailed letter and told her that I would contact the media if these dogs are not classified as dangerous. I will not let this go.

I'm glad you are keeping after this, it sounds like you need to stay on top of the prosecutor's office!

From the description you gave it sounds as though those dogs need to be classified as dangerous, at the very minimum, and I don't think that's enough. I think they need to be removed from the home and put down. It is sad for the dogs, but I don't think just labeling them "dangerous" will make the owners keep them home. How much more trouble do they need to cause? It really isn't the fault of the dogs, but it isn't the fault of the people and pets the dogs are assaulting either. The neighborhood should not have to pay the penalty for these irresponsible dog owners.

I hope that your wheel squeaks loudly enough that the prosecutor will take it to the full extent and you won't have to worry about those dogs anymore.

I would also look into what someone else suggested and see if you can get a breed restriction for those people or something. I've never really heard of such a thing, but would be nice if they had to stick to a more docile and easy to handle breed ... though I don't think they should have any dog. People like that make me mad.

Okay ... I'm done
If the dogs are officially recognized as dangerous and they do not spay/neuter, microchip and keep them confined in a secure and locked kneel or indoors, the penalties are harsh. If they violate the restrictions, they would be banned from owning dogs.
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