12 EEs - FL


Got The Blues
14 Years
Nov 22, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
Offering a dozen EEs. Ill add all that are layed between now and shipping on Friday. Im hatching out a lot of these for myself. These are 3rd generation blue/green egg layers. Original EE hens from Hinkjc, second generation from a Peachick Wheaten Ameraucana Roo. Now this third generation will be by a Gary Ramey blue wheaten Ameraucana roo. The hens are just gorgeous and very sweet, and great layers. I will not post a picture of the eggs, because the pictures turn out way way too blue. They lay blue/green eggs, lots of them, and good sized ones.

There are a couple of clean faced Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana hens in there. Im using them for EEs because they lay such beautiful eggs, and just because they are beardless and muffless, it seems a shame not to use them for their beautiful eggs, but it is possible you might get a bearded muffed Ameraucana from them.

Shipping will be figured from your zip code.




Hey, just to let you know, my babies started hatching last night, have 7 little darlings this morning. Thanks..two look to be white? Do you think they will stay that way, or maybe have some of the coloring I'm seeing in the mostly white here in your picture. Either way, I like the white..and I'm seeing puffy cheeks. I like that too! I'm a happy mom right now..thanks!
One of the most beautiful EEs I've ever owned hatched from halo's eggs.

She'll be 10 weeks old on Friday and I can't wait to see what color egg she lays.

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