12 wk old chick is very weak, one eye swollen shut, odd swellings.


11 Years
Oct 20, 2008
Yesterday, I noticed this chick apart from the others, one eye was closed, it seemed to not be alert but did hop away from me. I did not notice a breathing issue. Today it was not moving much at all and I was able to pick it up easily. The right eye is swollen shut with swelling below it. The other eye seems a bit swollen, too, but it can open. She seems very thin and I thought about to die. But, I gave her water with a syringe. She drank. With that success, I thought I should give her something nourishing. Gave her some egg and some wet down chick feed by pushing it into her mouth. She swallowed it. She was lying on her side before feeding and very very still. It is night now. How much of what meds would antibiotics be? I also held a cold pack to her most swollen side. I pretty much presume she will be dead in the morning. What is it? What can be done?
Thank you.


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Sorry for your loss. She may have had a respiratory disease or coccidiosis. The best way to get a diagnosis is to keep the body cool and wrapped in plastic bags (do not freeze) and contact your state vet for a necropsy. Here is a list of state vets, and you can call and ask about a necropsy for a backyard chicken which may be less:
Unfortunately, another hen died. Both were 13 weeks old and had been vaccinated at the hatchery. About two weeks ago this second hen was limping. A foot looked limp. She recovered. But yesterday she was not moving to leave the coop. Her head was held tight in and kept that way. I gave her her own space. She did not move much at all. She seemed thin as did the other hen, but I don’t normally handle young layers, I just butchered the meat chickens. Neither hen had noticeable respiratory problems. Breathing sounded clear. Noses clean. I do like knowing where to send them but am disinclined to spend the $ for the testing and the postage.
Sorry for your loss. Was it Mareks disease that they were vaccinated for? Since some had swollen eyes, that can be from respiratory disease, such as MG or coryza. Those can be treated with cattle antibiotics, such as Tylan from the feed store. Limping sounds a bit like Mareks. It would be hard to know what you are dealing with, losing chickens at such a young age, without a necropsy.
They were vaccinated for coccidiosis and Marek’s. I imagine it could have been respiratory but neither had nasal discharge, wheezing, coughing, etc. I think none of the eyes had discharge. But, since you mentioned a medicine, what is the amount to give and how is it administered if I ever do have chicks with runny noses, etc?
There is the possibility of that as they are excited to leave the coop in the mornings. The one that did limp had recovered. It has been cooler lately but it had been very hot. They have plenty of shade in their yard. The Tylan powder says for pigeons only?

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