12 Year Old Male Turned into Quasimodo Overnight


Langshan Lover
11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
Claremore, OK
I have a cock named Mr. Mom, he will be 12 years old in April.

I "believe" he had a stroke about 2.5 weeks back as he was "shaking" from side to side. Not to dislodge anything, like he couldn't control it. This is his "normal" posture (yeah, he's eating, like any man)

And here is what he looks like today:

He has been like this for 2 weeks now. I just assumed there was an injury to the area. I looked and there's nothing. I felt for lumps, knots, etc. Nothing. Another member on here suggested vitamin therapy, which I am going to try later today.

Has anyone ever seen this before? What do I do? What do you recommend for treating him?

1. I cannot and will not separate him. He will freak out and I will have a dead bird in the quarantine pen (which is what I'm trying to avoid).

ETA: Here's the video of him this morning:
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Look for "gapeworms" Even though he may not be showing the classic signs, they still could be in his trachea.

I will subscribe to this post. It may be that this is a stroke, I have never had a chicken go to 12 years old !!
Congradulations on that if nothing else. nice bird.
Just wormed all of my birds about a month ago, so that's out, but, good suggestion.

If he could move out of this position, I would assume worms as well. I have a video loading on photobucket so you can see how he walks in this position.

Thank you, he's an AWFUL representation of a Light Brahma, but still special to me!
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only thing I can think of is broken bone... but that probably wouldn't make sense
Wow he is a beautiful rooster!

I haven't seen anything like that picture before, he reminds me of a dog that's trying to have a poo. I'm wondering if he has an obstruction? How does his poo look?
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Only thing the stature reminds me of is when a hen becomes egg bound. Wonder if some internals got twisted up and he's some how taken up that position because it feels better? Else that stroke threw something off.

Good luck!
I wonder if he dislocated something while shaking like he did.... That's just a guess, I have no idea, unless, as suggested, he is in that position for comfort because there's another problem that can't be seen..

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