12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Day 19 here and 4 of the 5 eggs that made it to lockdown are internally pipped. I just heard a first peep a few minutes ago! :wee

The 5th egg is looking good too with shadowing and movement.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully there will be some external pips and possibly some hatching! 🥰
Can't wait to see photos of the little fluffers! 🥰
Hatchday was 3/31. Two chicks hatched on their own, but one got stuck with curled toes and somehow ended up injured too, died within a couple days. The egg I thought was dead turned out to still have living chick, but it had problems trying to hatch and died within minutes of being assisted out. I don't think the last one should be included in hatch count.

So, 2 of 12 hatched and 1 survived the first week. Fortunately the survivor is doing pretty well, getting along with chicks from feed store.

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Sorry you lost so many. 🙁
Your one little survivor sure is cute though!🥰
Well, surprise! I have an external pip on day 19! :eek:

I'm getting to bed late tonight and figured I'd top the water off in the incubator real quick before I sleep. Whipped the lid off to pour it in when I saw a big ol crack in my one still-living egg. Needless to say, I got that water poured in and the lid back on in record time!! Baby is peeping and moving around in there!

...Who needs sleep anyway?! :th
:loveLove reading the updates and seeing all the pictures! Congrats on everybodies babies!
And I'm so sorry for everyone dealing with problems and/or loosing little ones :hugs

I'm grateful I could participate, this was my first hatch.
Yesterday (day 26) I turned the incubator off and took out the last two eggs...

From the 35 eggs I set 23 did hatch (sent a pm yesterday).

From my 15 shipped bantam Silkie eggs 12 babies hatched.
One egg had been not fertilized, one quit unfortunately around day 6 and the last egg Iooked good when it went into lockdown but unfortunately the baby never pipped. After several days without any sign of life and I opened the egg. The baby was fully developed and I couldn't make out any malformations or defects. This baby never pipped internally so I assume this little one unfortunately died on day 19 or 20 😔

From my friend's 20 bantam Brahma x Deutsches Buschhuhn-mixes eggs 11 babies hatched.
5 eggs were not fertilized. One perhaps quit unfortunately the first days of development (mini grey point in the yolk). One unfortunately quit around day 7. One looked good when it went into lockdown but then nothing happened. After waiting several days there was still no sign of life and I opened the egg. The little one inside was notably small but well feathered - comparing with pictures I think he/she unfortunately died on day 18 😔
One pipped externally and I discovered this in the evening of day 21. In the morning of day 22 there was no progress and I examined it closely. I could see the little beak in the external pipped hole and when gently touching it I immediatley knew the baby inside unfortunately was dead, because it was stiff 😔 I opened the egg, the little one still did have part of the yolk sac outside and there was a lot of yellowish stuff inside the egg. This baby was so close...I don't know what happened. I will start a thread with pictures and hope for opinions on what possibly happened.
My eggs due before easter i got 4 ameraucana out of 2 dozen eggs bought...very dispointing. But this has been the weirdest hatch ever, my easter egger eggs that were due easter ......only started hatching the night before last and it seems they are not done hatching. One early this morning and 2 on the way out. All very weird. So I'm still waiting and so far both thta are out are healthy.
🥰The chicks are all doing well - here are some pictures:

Bantam Silkie babies:


Bantam Brahma x Deutsches Buschhuhn-mix babies (they all are at my friend's place now):



There are also some cute little 'chipmunks' 😊:
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