13-week-old turkey genders?


Chook Snuggler
9 Years
Apr 3, 2015
Northwest Ohio - The Buckeye State!
As a newbie to the turkey world, not only am I unsure of the signs that determine gender, but also unaware of when you're able to with accuracy. Are my Bourbon Red and Royal Palm old enough to get a decent idea of what I have? :)

Sugar Pie:



Honey Bunch (my apologies for the blurry, decidedly snoodless pictures....I can take more if needed):



Neither are making attempts at gobbling as of yet.

I believe the females will have white tips to the chest feathers and males will be a darker red. I believe I see white edges on yours.
Thanks to you, I learned something new today - which is information to be used in the future. :)

Wish me luck in the picture department. Honey Bunch won't sit still for the world. ;)

Thanks to you, I learned something new today - which is information to be used in the future. :)

Wish me luck in the picture department. Honey Bunch won't sit still for the world. ;)

You just have to be sure that the breast feathers are the adult feathers since both hens and toms will have the light colored lower edges on their juvenile breast feathers.
You just have to be sure that the breast feathers are the adult feathers since both hens and toms will have the light colored lower edges on their juvenile breast feathers.
Thank you so much, I'm appreciative of any information. :)

Honey Bunch cooperated a little better this morning during breakfast. Here you go! Hopefully these give a clearer view of snood and breast plumage:





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All of my bourbon red hens have been very talkative, curious, and generally very friendly and in my business. I personally like the variety the best whether male or female.

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