14 year old daughter interested in starting pheasants

That's great that your daughter wants to raise pheasants,but your pen is way to small for the 4 birds.Ringnecks require lots of room and don't forget to get a permit to raise them from your local fish and game.Fish and Game has requirements for sq ft per bird,so better check with them and get everything right.All it takes is 1 person to complain and if there not on a permit,fish and game can take your birds.They should also have some branches to hide in and they will help keep your birds calmer.Perches not to close to the top of the pen as a coon can reach down and grab them.Best covered in metal or wood so nothing can see or get them from above.Gamebird feed is also a requirement.Layer pellets and cracked corn can be fed as long as they have gamebird feed.And some kind of grit like oyster shells or pigeon grit.( I like the smell of pigeon grit.Smells like licorice)Fresh water and they need to be wormed 2 times per year.Vitamins and electrolytes in their water supply maybe 1 every 2 months.They love fruits(no whole grapes!)they will choke on them,veggies,insects and UNSALTED peanuts only,black sunflowers seeds ,wild bird seed.I'm sure I've missed a few things,but feel free to ask.
In N.H.,Tony.

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