?15 week Easter eggers and RIR


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2020
Got these 3 today on my local buy nothing group. The lady said they are 15 weeks. They are TINY compared to my Easter eggers...they don't have beards, have yellow legs and single combs. I am new to chickens so I know very little about chickens! Also do all 3 look like pullets? The one "Easter egger" has a larger comb and a slightly longer tail.
Definitely not easter eggers... they do look like brown leghorns. The red one looks like a red sex link, because rhode island reds are usually a darker red.
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You have a New Hampshire Red and a Light Brown Leghorn and *maybe* a Welsummer. Welsummers are usually a bit larger in size, but they have red ear lobes. If they both have white earlobes, they're Leghorns, if one has red, likely a Welsummer. Once they lay Welsummers will lay dark brown eggs versus a Leghorn's white, so that will be quite obvious
You have a New Hampshire Red and a Light Brown Leghorn and *maybe* a Welsummer. Welsummers are usually a bit larger in size, but they have red ear lobes. If they both have white earlobes, they're Leghorns, if one has red, likely a Welsummer. Once they lay Welsummers will lay dark brown eggs versus a Leghorn's white, so that will be quite obvious
Do you think they are 15 weeks and pullets?

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