16/8 Intermittent Fasting, has anyone tried it?

You probably don't need to weigh yourself weekly unless you find it super motivating. As women, our hormones fluctuate through the month and the scale does not always tell the proper story. It can be discouraging when there's no reason for it, you know?
You are correct, I need motivation to keep going. :D I won't get on the scale daily because yes, weight does fluctuate and might discourage me to go the distance. As long as there is even a half pound loss, its good enough to keep me going. Its rewarding to see even small improvements.
How is everyone doing on their fasting? :)

So I'm 1 week into this method of eating/fasting/dieting. I love how empty you feel after fasting for 16 hours. I am consuming between 1,000 and 1,100 calories per day. The first few days I would wake up a bit dizzy, exhausted, had a headache and I was ravenous enough to eat the kitchen table. :D Thankfully these symptoms have past, I wake up with more energy, headache is gone and I am only normally hungry, not like I haven't eaten in a week! I have lost 5 1/2 pounds so far, no doubt most of this was water retention. I don't expect to lose much more than a pound a week, but I am ready to go the distance. I am 128.0 pounds today, hoping to reach 115-116 sometime in early April. However I am loving how I feel fasting for 16 hours so I plan on continuing to eat like this after I stop with dieting. I even have the hubby on board with fasting, (he does not need to lose any weight) and he is enjoying the feeling of fasting as well!
Have any of you tried Intermittent Fasting?
Yes, I did with 16/8 and it not only helped to lose some extra pounds but to improve some of my chronic autoimmune issues, lifting the occasional brain fog as well.
Cutting down on carbohydrates like bread, pasta and sugar helped to reduce bloating and cravings.
For me it was/is important to consume enough animal protein (eggs, dairy products, meat).

I can highly recommend it, but people with severe health conditions should seek the approval of their doctors first.
I have been doing a 14 to 20 hour fast since I had my myocardial infarction. I'm on a carnivore diet(nose to tail) and at first it was hard to not eat carbs, and sugar is more addictive than nicotine....it should be regulated as a class 1 drug. :lau After the withdrawal from the carbs and sugar past, (head aches, muscle aches), I feel much better and don't crave the carbs or sugar. I eat enough to be comfortably full, then I take a nap! :D
I'm not interested in loosing weight, I'm not over weight but I have noticed the changes in my body. Cutting out the carbs and sugar has made my body lose alot of water retention weight. And I don't have the need to eat 3 meals a day like I use too!
Fasting has been the biggest influence on my health since my MI.
Living, eating like my ancestors, has been the best thing I have decided to do for my health.
Fasting is not for everyone, thats for sure. If I go more than 24 hours, I can get like that, with stomach pains, dizzy and weak. Glad to hear your BIL got good results on it, this method definitely calms the gut. I am in my 60s and hoping to prevent any prediabetes, its amazing how much blood sugar levels effect how you feel. I would bet my glucose levels were climbing in the wrong direction recently, I think this method of eating is something I will stick to long after my goal is reached.
It makes a huge difference if you start with cutting carbs and eating more protein & fat. See how you feel after a few months.
I am restricting my calories during the 8 hour window to 1,000 to 1,100 calories. I am also exercising, just finished rowing for 20 mins. Tomorrow is day 7 since starting this diet, I am trying to only get on the scale once a week. Tomorrow is weigh in day! :oops:
AFAIK anything under 1200 calories puts your body into starvation mode and can make you choose carbs for volume over fats at a calorie-counting cost. People are proving great health & wellness benefits when it’s the other way around.

If you look hard enough you might find a facility with a machine that measures your individual metabolism through your breath. That’s a great place to start.

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