16 Hours!!! CHICKENSTOCK - Berks Co PA 7/18 **photos**

I lost my job last week, so I am really trying to pare down my birds. We will only be keeping my neice's self-white polish

***oh, reminds me, I have a WC black roo. He was hatched in Jan. I think he's a bantam but I would not swear to it. He and the self white are smaller than my other polish***

My son's pair of Buff laced polish (unless the price is right on them)

Our Turkens - sans bowties - I have a roo a hen and some chicks of various ages

My lavender orp roo and hen and a handful of B/B/S orps.

Our jersey gieant chicks

oh, and our pair of blue slates, pair of bourbon red and our ducks.

Got to lessen the mouths to feed. Since I can't get rid of the dogs, cats or the kids. And, the horse market is really really bad right now so the horses stay too.

All I can say is, I hope our turn out is as good as it is shaping up to be - and/or the NC dept of unemployment comes through soon!!!!

But, all sucky life stories aside, I'm so looking forward to putting faces and REAL names on you guys! See you tomorrow!!
I just want to make sure I'm counting right before I make a case to hubs...

So between everyone...maybe about 70 different chicks/pullets for sale/barter?

And can anyone give me a ballpark on what someone normally asks for chick or pullet, or what they are looking to sell their own for?

I was actually looking at a website in Slatington, PA and was about to place an order when I saw this...we're first timers...correction..

I'm a first timer...hubby's a farm boy. I'm still stuck somewhere this week in the wonderment of snap peas. Lord knows what eggs will do to me. We've been getting farm eggs from a friend and I know I can use 24 a week.
And I can pluck fresh killed ducks....so I'm a good candidate, right??
I would be curious what "standard" chicken prices are also. I'm not in the chicken business, so I'm not looking to profit from my few extras. Maybe just make back what I spent on them, and a bit extra for feeding and heating them....

That said, I would be happy to pay more to an actual farmer who relies on this sort of thing for a part of their living.

I'm only familiar with baby chick pricing....
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Found out about Chickenstock on craigslist.

New chicken owner - 1 guinea fowl, 1 rooster, 4 hens. Mixed breeds. Looking forward to coming out and meeting other chicken peeps.

Have a great night!

Ok ... I'm bringing a zesty Pasta.

I would love a polish, sebright and/or Frizzle

I'm bringing a Cornish Cockerel and a Astralorps Cockerel
And two red link Pullets 13 weeks old
(at least that's what I believe they are ...)

I'm willing to trade.

I'll bring name tags ... Just a thought.
I'm terrible with names.

OHH I have a couple chicken saddles and a chicken diaper ... will bring with.
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Just got back from Wal-mart. I bought name tags!! I'm horrible with names as well.

As for all the pricing questions, The more "specialty" the breed, usually the more the asking price. A good regular old RIR or other layer would probably cost about $8-$10 at the beginning of it's lay. The older the hen, the less the asking price generally.

Now in my case, I am selling based on breed and what I've paid and age. The orps will be a bit more expensive than the rest - because of how much I paid and the lines I bought and age. Whereas, my SL 10 day old chicks, well, they're $2.50. Which, is a fairly standard/average price.

Ok, I'll give a run down so those of you who are interested will know......
Sl chicks - $2.50
SL 3 mo old - $5

3 barred rocks, 3 australorps, 7 cochins, 2 red sex link, and 6 red something or anothers - all hatched out around May 20 - any of these $3 each

Orp chicks of various ages will run $6 to $8

Anyone looking to take my whole project flock - I have a negotiable price, see me tomorrow

WC black polish roo - I honestly think he's bantam, I'll take a poll tomorrow - $6

Blue - my beautiful orpington - $40

Blue slate turkey chicks - $10 ea

Turken chicks - $2 ea
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It was a great day!

Meeting all of you and spending the day out around animals. I loved it!

My son enjoyed himself too, my daughter wished she had came once we told her what was all up.

BTW: lol My husband loves the duck we came home with, Thank you Steve and Christine.
He wants him as a house pet ...lol So now I'm doing some planning .lol
The little chicks are sweet as can be. Sarah I can not wait till theyy grow up as they are going to be Gorgeous! Duncan is keeping them in his room ...lol

Since I'm going to house them inside for now ...lol
I'm going to go get my other birds. and bring them home. s***w the neighbors ..lol

I do need to re home my Cockerels though.

I'll keep you all updated.
It was lots of fun and so nice to meet everyone who showed! I definitely think it was a success and next time will be an even bigger success! I think next spring when we do this again we will have quite a few more birds to sell!

Holly I'm so glad everyone loves your new ducky! I clipped the wings of the other 2 today........they are just starting to figure out that they can use them! The funny thing is that they actually seem a little calmer overall with him gone...**shrug** lol
Holly you were a lucky **duck**!! I am so jealous I didn't see him first!

I want to thank everyone for coming. I think it was a big success. I know most of you were able to sell birds, so that was great. I was contacted by a gal who wasn't able to come who is looking for araucana hens - 2 of them. If anyone has any, pm me and I'll forward her info.

We WILL be doing this again in the spring, so start planning now! I know I sold 33 birds!!! Amazingly great day, Y'all!!

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