16 Hours!!! CHICKENSTOCK - Berks Co PA 7/18 **photos**

scbatz33 What kind of orpingtons and polish do you have? I'm not sure if I am coming or not. Sure sounds like fun, tho.
I've got BBS and Black/lav orps. The Polish I'm looking to sell are wc Black bantam (I was told he'd be LF) and maybe some of the wc balck and blue chicks I have growing now
Just a quick notice. We are still planning the chickenstock for saturday the 18th here at the farm. It will be from 10-4 that day.

I will be putting advertising up at all the feed stores and reposting the notice on Craig's List.

Anyone who is interested in selling birds please post what you will be bringing so others who are interested will know what we will have available.

Any questions, email or pm me.

Ok folks, show of hands, who would be wanting to buy quail or Katahdin sheep???? I got a guy who is wondering what kind of business will he have if he drives down.

So, we are a couple of weeks out, who's still gonna come down for our swap meet?
what type of quail?.....I am looking for buttons. I'd like to see the katahdin sheep....but I can't get any....lol I like katahdin
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He didn't say what kind. I'll have to go back in my emails and see if it's mentioned.
The buffs, I have no idea...
The SL look to all be girls.

Update - the buff look to be a pair. My son has expressed an interest in them - IDK, since he changes his mind like most folks change their socks....
We are just a couple weeks out. who's still interested in doing this??? I have a bunch of young birds who need new homes. Plus it would be really cool to put actual faces to names.

I need to advertise this next week if we are still on. Stand up and be counted folks!!!!!

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