16 weekish Pullet or Cockerel? Opinions please


In the Brooder
May 4, 2015
Chicken newbie here. So this was our free chick from the hatchery. Barred Rock I am guessing? Thought it was a Dominique when it was a chick until you could tell the difference between the comb of it and the Dominique. 16 weekish in these pics. Thanks for taking a look.



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I am going to go out on a limb and say girl. LOL
No hackle or saddle feathers as of yet and the coloring is staying dark so should be a girl.
Males are lighter in color and the pattern is different.
Thanks for looking. She/he has me so confused. All my other girls( BA, BB, SLW, GLW, Welsummer and EE) do not have the wattles or comb going on at all. The reddness of the face is throwing me off too. LOL It is so fun to see all the breeds maturing and the differences. :)
Anyone else want to take a guess?
Barring looks female, but the comb/wattle development and tail suggest a cockerel. The comb/wattle development looks too advanced for a pullet barred rock. I'm wondering if it's some type of hatchery production breed.
Guess I might have to wait until this one crows or gives me an egg?!?! LOL Love this chicken either way. It is the friendliest chicken of the flock, family favorite. I just hope if it is a Roo is stays so friendly and the hormones don't take him over. :)

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