16 x 12 Coop

I've got an idea for double gates across from each other so I open both and latch to the opposite side and it creates a path to the chicken yard... that might work.
How far apart are they?
Need a site plan view ;)
Maybe a set of chunnel sections?
The second fence would need to be the width of the current gate away so you can open the current gate and latch it on to the latch post of the second gate. Then open the second gate and latch it on to the latch post of the first gate. I don't have much to draw with down here in the Beer Cave I'm on a Linux PC.


The thing I don't care for with a chunnel is I'd have to step or climb over it to get to the shed.

Yep, an alley between the fences so I can get back and forth to the shed. With a single gate on each side I can latch it to the opposite fence post. With double gates I'd have to tie them together which means one gate on each side would have to be open... or I could use the rod thing that they put on double gates.

Would either of these work?


  • Coop Door 1 (950x924).jpg
    Coop Door 1 (950x924).jpg
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  • Coop Door 2 (786x950).jpg
    Coop Door 2 (786x950).jpg
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Maybe this will be a bit clearer what I'm thinking. The top drawing with the gates closed the normal way traffic can go between the two fences. The bottom drawing shows the gates latched onto the opposite fence thus creating a path between the two fences. I could still cross by opening one gate at a time.


Had a hard time wraping my brain around it at first but it's all clear now.:)

BTW; great idea. I can use it here for a future run.


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    IMG_6293 (950x659) (2).jpg
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My run in horse stalls pasture access is set up similar so I understood. Planned it so on the rare occasions I have to get machinery back there, always to deal with the mud, I can just close two gates together and chain them. I only need to do this occasionally so chain is good enough, no ground rod thingy needed.
Well it's starting to cool off a bit here so I'm busy working on the shed trying to clean out years of junk and crud. Installing some LED lighting and some outlets and tossing out the shop light. I'm tinkering back and forth on the size of the coop section. I'm considering 6' x 12' and 8' x 12'. The roll out nest box will be in the wall and flush on the inside of the coop area. I'm planning on having a 30" deep poop tray with the roost 15" from the back wall so I'll have 12' of roost. I'm thinking of having the feed and water inside the coop area.

I'm extending the west roof out about 10' to make the enclosed run area. My wife suggested putting a metal roof on dunno... I still need to replace the west side shingles.

I'm up in the air about mixing the Cinnamon Queens with the RIR hens. I may keep them separate for a while.


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