17 week old she or he? picture heavy


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 31, 2011
Memphis, TN
We have always suspected Fiddle was a rooster but no egg yet and no crow

I don't see any saddle feathers and he is such a sweet chicken.
All 3 of my "production red" chickens have had this weird tail thing where they get down to the last 1-2 black tail feathers and then they fall out and they look like normal chickens again.
Any guesses if Fiddle is a he or she?




My other 2 girls have the exact same thing. They each had a lot of them and then they fell out 1 by 1. I would it was weird if they all didn't have this happen. This is Fiddle's last black tail feather. I keep wondering when it will fall out.


This is Rose in the front and Fiddle in the back.
Little Sister was confusing for me, too. She had a wattle and comb just a well developed as my 16 week Cockerels. Her tail feathers tried to do the curl then she laid a a cute dark brown egg. She never crowed but for a while there 'honked'. Now that the Cockerels are proving how usefull testosterone is she keeps them in place.

Little Sister, 6 months


Little Joe, 4 months

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Ok so if they are getting curly tail feathers does that mean they are ready to lay? I have a slw Big Mama who has 2 tail feathers that are curly. Here is a pic of them. Do I need to start looking for eggs now? They are 16-18 weeks old, can't remember exactly sorry.


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